Gbu, a planet situated within the Outer Rim Territories, could be found in the Keldrath sector of the Tion Cluster.
It existed not far from both Crseih Station and the aquatic world of Mon Calamari.
Due to its intense gravity and pressurized atmosphere, Gbu was not suitable for habitation by species that had not adapted to such conditions. However, it served as the homeworld for the Veubgri, an insectoid species highly valued for their ability to perform labor in extremely pressurized environments.
Discovered during the era of Xim's Empire around 25,100 BBY, Ank Ki'Shor was incorporated into the Keldrath Alignment approximately a century after the demise of Xim. Subsequently, it became a component of the Tion Hegemony when the Tion Cluster aligned itself with the Republic.
During the waning years of the Republic, the worlds of the Tion Cluster threw their support behind the CIS, and later found themselves under the dominion of the Galactic Empire. The Empire extracted Gbu and the Keldrath sector from the Hegemony.
In the year 14 ABY, Leia Organa Solo, the Chief of State of the New Republic, paid a visit to Gbu shortly before her offspring were abducted on Munto Codru by agents working for Hethrir. Because of the intense gravity, the New Republic group was required to meet with the Veubgri on a satellite orbiting the planet.