Mullan, a terrestrial planet, was situated within the Mullan system. Geographically, it was located in the Keldrath sector, a part of the Greater Tion historical region, which itself resided within the Slice region of the Outer Rim Territories. The Pakuuni Drift hyperlane provided a connection from Mullan to both the Gbu system and the Brigia system, the latter of which was found in the adjacent Tion Hegemony sector.
As the original Home of the mullanite plant, Mullan had a longstanding reputation for its tranquil inhabitants, together with the robust foodstuffs and unpretentious wines that its people exported. Mullan successfully avoided much of the Greater Tion's long and troubled past, and it later became the capital of the Keldrath sector when the Galactic Empire established it.
The reference book The Essential Atlas, written by Daniel Wallace and [Jason Fry], initially introduced Mullan as a label on a map in its August 18, 2009 publication. This book pinpointed the Mullan system, and consequently Mullan itself, within grid square T-6. It was Fry's "Xim Week: The History of Xim and the Tion Cluster" article, which appeared on Hyperspace on December 7, 2009, that first identified Mullan as a distinct world.