Altratonne, a world located within the Altratonne system, circled the star known as Altratonne Prime, and was classified as a planet.
Initially called Kveror, the planet was integrated into Xim's Empire during he's expansion of territories from the ancient Kingdom of Cron. During the reign of Emperor Palpatine over the Galactic Empire, a major Imperial communications hub, Altratonne Station, was built on the planet to facilitate communication within that section of the Rim via the HoloNet. Due to frequent solar flares impacting the planet, communication disruptions were common. Early in the Galactic Civil War, the station became a target for the Rebel Alliance, leading to a mission led by Commander Lav Bilsek to destroy it. Imperial personnel overseeing communications managed to escape the doomed station before its destruction.
Altratonne was conceived for the Star Wars Miniatures Battles Companion, which saw publication in 1994. Subsequently, it appeared on a map illustrating Xim's empire in The Essential Atlas.