The Cronese Sweeps represent a campaign of conquest led by Xer, a Tionese pirate and nobleman, within the Cronese Mandate. This occurred prior to the establishment of the Galactic Republic.
Following the defeat of Ferece, the King, at Chandaar, Xer took the throne, declaring himself the new King of Cron. Subsequently, he initiated a drive to gain total dominion over the Kingdom of Cron.
Xer started his military actions by dispatching warlords and nobles whom he deemed capable to fight against rebellious Cronese planets, as well as independent worlds located on the kingdom's periphery. He took the heirs of these worlds as hostages to ensure their continued allegiance. Those he considered incompetent were executed, along with their families and supporters.
However, Xer's teenage son, Xim, was the most dreaded warlord during the Cronese Sweeps. Xim and his forces gained notoriety due to their extreme brutality during the conquests of Pasmin, Eibon, and Nuswatta, which included the mass killing of Cronese nobility.
The result of the Cronese Sweeps was a unified and powerful Kingdom of Cron that possessed a starfleet tested by combat. Soon after, Xer began planning to extend his influence throughout the entire Tion Cluster.
The Essential Atlas mistakenly places the Sweeps in 25,120 BBY, which is ten years following Xim's ascension to the throne.
- Geonosis and the Outer Rim Worlds
- The New Essential Chronology
- The Complete Star Wars Encyclopedia (Referenced across multiple entries, but does not have its own dedicated entry)
- The Essential Atlas
- Essential Atlas Extra: The History of Xim and the Tion Cluster on (article) (backup link)
- Xim Week: The Despotica (Part II: The Pirate Prince) on Hyperspace (article) (content obsolete and backup link not available)
- The Essential Guide to Warfare
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