Arda system

The Arda system, alternatively referred to as Ethain, represented a star system situated within the Gordian Reach region of the Outer Rim, which itself was located in the galaxy. This system was comprised of, at minimum, three planets: namely, Arda I, Arda II, and Arda III. The only known colonizers of this system were Humans.


The Steadfast is attacked near the Arda system.

In the time of Xim, the system was known by the name "Ethain." It was integrated into Xim's Empire as his empire expanded from the Kingdom of Cron. The attack on Ethain originated from the Maldont system, which was later renamed the Stenos system.

During the period of the Clone Wars, the cruiser of Jedi Master Eeth Koth, known as the Steadfast, was ambushed in proximity to the Arda system. Subsequently, the Jedi Master was captured by Separatist General Grievous and held as a hostage.

During the Galactic Civil War, the inhabitants of Arda-2 initially attempted to maintain a position of neutrality. However, after an Imperial spy uncovered the existence of a Rebel Alliance presence, they openly declared their support for the Rebels. The system later suffered an attack during the Stenax Massacres by Stenax forces, who perpetrated acts of genocide against the inhabitants.

