
Moralan, a planet within Hutt Space, served as the original homeworld for the Moralans. This species was forced into slavery by the Hutt Empire. During the Xim Wars, a conflict that unfolded twenty-five millennia before the Battle of Yavin between the Hutts and the Tionese conqueror Xim, the Moralan system was invaded by Xim's military forces.

Subsequently, after their withdrawal from the star system, the Tionese encouraged the Moralan people to stage a successful revolt against their Hutt overlords, leading to the establishment of a republic governed by the Parliament of Moralan. However, this newfound freedom was short-lived, as Hutt forces under the command of Boonta Hestilic Shad'ruu launched a counter-offensive and defeated the Moralan. Following their victory, the Hutts sterilized the planet.


Within Hutt Space, the Moralan system contained the planet Moralan. Back during the Xim Wars, which spanned from 25,102 BBY to 25,096 BBY, hyperlanes connected Moralan to both the Outer Rim Territories planet Honoghr and the inner regions of Hutt Space. These hyperspace routes eventually disappeared, replaced by a hyperlane that linked Moralan to the Usk system within Hutt Space.


The sentient species known as the Moralans originated homeworld on Moralan, sharing the same name as their planet. By the time of the Xim Wars, the Hutt species had enslaved the Moralan, effectively incorporating their world into the Hutt Empire. During the conflict between the Hutts and the Tionese conqueror Xim the Despot, Xim's military forces invaded the Moralan star system.

As a member of the Hutt Empire, the planet Moralan found itself caught up in the war against the Tionese conqueror Xim.

In 25,100 BBY and 25,099 BBY, at Vontor, Xim's forces experienced two defeats at the hands of the Hutts. To incite rebellions among the Hutt's enslaved populations and to buy time to prepare for another confrontation, the Human leader withdrew his forces from the Moralan system. Inspired by the Tionese, the Moralan successfully rebelled against the Hutts and established a republic with the Parliament of Moralan as its governing body.

Subsequently, Boonta Hestilic Shad'ruu led Hutt forces in a three-day battle against the Moralan Parliament. The Hutts ultimately prevailed, swiftly conquering Moralan, and Boonta ordered the planet sterilized to serve as a warning to other enslaved species under Hutt control.

Consequently, the Moralan species was driven to extinction, and their homeworld was left a desolate ruin. Later, Clan-General Kossak Inijic Ar'durv of the Hutt Empire offered to cede the world of Ko Vari, along with the devastated remains of Moralan, to Xim if he were victorious in a third battle at Vontor. This battle resulted in Xim's final defeat and capture by the Hutts.

Behind the scenes

The Essential Atlas marked the first time Moralan was identified as a planet.

The 2009 reference book, The Essential Atlas, written by Daniel Wallace and Jason Fry, was the first explicit mention of the planet Moralan, placing it in grid square T-10. This reference was based on a mention of the Parliament of Moralan in "Star Wars Droids: The Adventures of R2-D2 and C-3PO," a roleplaying game source article by Rich Handley and Abel G. Peña for the Star Wars Roleplaying Game by Wizards of the Coast, published in the 170th issue of Polyhedron magazine in June 2004.

In a 2009 Suvudu article detailing the creation of the Hutt Space map for The Essential Atlas, Fry recounted that in 2006, after sketching the region's borders with a pen and noting previously published systems, he created a list of worlds implied to be in Hutt Space but not explicitly depicted. During this process, Fry conceived "Moralan" as a planet name and added it to the map in pencil.


  • " Star Wars Droids: The Adventures of R2-D2 and C-3PO " — Polyhedron 170 (First mentioned) (In Parliament of Moralan's name)
  • The Essential Atlas
  • STAR WARS: THE ESSENTIAL ATLAS – Mapping Hutt Space on (content now obsolete; backup link)
  • Essential Atlas Extra: The History of Xim and the Tion Cluster on (article) (backup link)
  • The Essential Guide to Warfare
  • The Droids Re-Animated, Part 1 on (article) (content now obsolete; backup link) (In Parliament of Moralan's name)
  • The Best Holidays and Celebrations in the Galaxy…and Empire Day, Too on (article) (content now obsolete; backup link) (In Parliament of Moralan's name)
  • Star Wars: The Clone Wars Magazine 22 (In Moralan republic's name)

Notes and references
