The Duinarbulon Star Lancers represented the most skilled mounted fighters, hailing from the planet of Duinarbulon. They were in service to both the Kingdom of Cron and the Empire ruled by Xim the Despot.
Initially, these warriors fought for the Kingdom of Cron. However, following Xer VIII's conquest of the Kingdom, the Star Lancers transitioned into his service. Later, they would serve the empire of Xer's offspring, Xim.
During the wars with the Hutts, they engaged in combat for Xim across numerous planets. Their ultimate defeat occurred during the Second Battle of Vontor around 25,100 BBY. This defeat came about after Xim deserted the battlefield to secure a valuable collection of Vontorian kiirium. In this battle, the Star Lancers were overwhelmed by Jilruan flecheteers riding Cyborrean battlemounts, along with Weequays and Cyborrean heavy infantry.
According to legend, the Star Lancers' parade grounds were distinguished by seven colossal monoliths crafted from polished ebon. These monoliths had disappeared long before the Galactic Civil War. Ximologists at the time regarded the existing "Parade Grounds" on Duinarbulon as inauthentic, asserting that no soldier under Xim had ever stepped foot there.
By the era of the Galactic Civil War, the Duinarbulon Star Lancers had faded into legend. During the recovery operations conducted around Mount Tantiss on the planet of Wayland after the assault on Mount Tantiss, New Republic archaeologists believed they had unearthed the Duinarbulon Stones. The lead archaeologist, Garv Debble, expressed great enthusiasm, as the discovery of these stones would provide the first concrete evidence of the Star Lancers' existence. However, the crystals initially identified as the gems turned out not to be the Duinarbulon Stones.
The Croke poet Asenec from Crakull provided a detailed account of the Star Lancers' equipment in his poetic work, "The Gleam of Kiirium." According to his description, a Star Lancer wore a glossy black coat of ionic mail, constructed from kiirium ceramic, which was designed to reflect laserfire back towards the enemy. The coat was adorned with the death's head emblem of Xim's empire. The Star Lancers rode atop Galdrian mustangs.
Their primary weapon was a Duinarbulon-manufactured lance, featuring a handgrip made from Raxan seaweed and a reflective vamplate crafted from kiirium to shield the hand. The lance's tip was poisoned using malkite themfar. Additionally, the Star Lancers carried beam tubes, which were early predecessors to the blaster. Beam tubes were cumbersome and had a slow firing rate, with contemporary power packs allowing for only one hundred shots. Consequently, beam-tube users employed alternating fire by squad and transported substantial power generators on hoversleds. Despite these limitations, they were safer to handle and required less upkeep compared to the heatbeams and plasma cannons utilized by the rest of Xim's forces.