Mount Tantiss dig

The Mount Tantiss dig represents an archaeological undertaking conducted by the New Republic Xenoarchaeology Division within the remnants of Mount Tantiss situated on the planet of Wayland. This occurred a number of standard days subsequent to the destruction of Mount Tantiss which took place in 9 ABY. The xenoarchaeologist Garv Debble, along with his assistant Milanda Vorgan, spearheaded this particular expedition.

Following the destruction of Mount Tantiss, New Republic search teams dedicated several days to retrieving various artifacts from its ruins. On the subsequent morning, the archaeologists made a discovery of a previously unknown chamber within the mountain, leading them to believe they had located the Duinarbulon Stones. Garv Debble, the lead archaeologist, expressed excitement at the prospect, as the discovery of the Stones would provide the first concrete evidence of the existence of the Duinarbulon Star Lancers. However, the crystals initially believed to be the gems turned out not to be the Duinarbulon Stones. Ekhrikhor, a Noghri with the intention of destroying all of Emperor Palpatine's possessions, nearly disrupted Debble's expedition. Debble voiced his objections, ultimately requiring the intervention of Councillor Leia Organa Solo, who granted Debble the opportunity to finalize his work. Organa Solo negotiated the Debble Agreement between Debble, who was committed to preserving the artifacts, and the Noghri cleansing teams, whose objective was to eradicate any trace of Palpatine's presence. Later, the New Republic historian Voren Na'al made reference to Mount Tantiss dig in his journal.

