Ekhrikhor was a member of the Noghri species, specifically belonging to the Clan Bakh'tor.

Following the Millennium Falcon to Wayland, Ekhrikhor led the contingent of Noghri. This pursuit occurred after it was revealed that Grand Admiral Thrawn was utilizing the facility for cloning operations in the early years of the New Republic. Ekhrikhor and his Noghri companions spent a considerable amount of time in secrecy, diligently creating a path to Mount Tantiss for Luke's team while simultaneously managing the indigenous Psadans and Myneyrsh. Subsequent to being discovered by the group, Ekhrikhor, acting upon Luke's suggestion, initiated the Noghri custom of referring to Han as 'Han clan Solo' rather than 'The Consort of the Lady Vader.'
After the New Republic successfully liberated Wayland from Imperial forces, Ekhrikhor attempted to destroy the numerous artifacts located within Mount Tantiss. He argued that everything contained within was part of Palpatine's memory and therefore should be destroyed. Garv Debble, an archaeologist, voiced his objection, which eventually required Leia Organa Solo's intervention, giving Debble the chance to finish his work. Ekhrikhor respected Leia's decision, although he personally disagreed with it.