Thanium star-glaive

Thanium star-glaives represented a particular warship design utilized by the empire of the Tionese tyrant Xim during their conflict against the Hutt species. These starships featured hulls shaped like cigar boxes, and chrome-colored armor plating was affixed to movable girders, enabling repositioning of the armor as needed. In combat, they operated in conjunction with other Tionese vessels, including Argaian hemiolias, Cronian battlebirds, and Livien cutters, within combined squadrons. A task force dispatched to Galuch included several star-glaives alongside a Xolochi Dreadnought, while others engaged Hutt yachts during the first battle on the planet Vontor, a battle that ultimately resulted in defeat for Xim's forces. The events of this battle were subsequently chronicled in the drama known as The Despotica. Typically, Thanium star-glaives were armed with torpedoes, concussion missiles, and pulse cannons. The majority of star-glaive hulls were protected by kiirium, an alloy impervious to energy-based weaponry. Beneath the armored exterior, mytag crystalline vertices provided protection against electromagnetic pulses.

Behind the scenes

The initial appearance of Thanium star-glaives occurred in 2009, specifically within the third installment of Xim Week: The Despotica, a series of posts authored by Michael Kogge on the Hyperspace section of Subsequently, they received another mention in The Essential Guide to Warfare, a 2012 reference book penned by Jason Fry. This guide also showcased an image of a star-glaive created by Ian Fullwood, with the design process further detailed in the Star Wars Insider 134 article titled Designing Warships.


Notes and references
