The Tusken Chieftain was a Tusken Raider of male gender, and he held the position of chieftain within his Tusken Raider tribe.

This Tusken Raider, a male, resided on the planet Tatooine, situated in the Outer Rim Territories, where he functioned as the chieftain for a Tusken tribe. After Boba Fett, the bounty hunter, managed to escape from the sarlacc within the Great Pit of Carkoon, the chief's tribe took him prisoner. Following Fett's victory over a sand beast, he gained the chief's respect, leading to his acceptance into the tribe and the offering of a black melon to drink.
Once integrated into the tribe, Fett received instruction from a warrior on the proper use of a gaderffii stick in combat. Soon after a training session, the tribe faced an assault from blaster fire originating from a Tatooine repulsor train, resulting in casualties among the Tusken Raiders and their banthas. Subsequent to the cremation of the deceased Tuskens, Fett approached both the chieftain and the warrior. Employing Tusken Sign Language, Fett declared his intention to halt the train, a claim met with skepticism from the chieftain. Despite the chieftain's doubts, Fett insisted he would retrieve a rifle and stick and return by morning. The chieftain, though unconvinced, granted permission, and Fett journeyed through the night to Tosche Station, where he engaged members of the Kintan Striders Gang before bringing their speeder bikes back to the camp as a gift. Fett informed the chieftain of his plan to instruct the tribe in operating the speeders to effectively stop the train. The chieftain, without uttering a word, allowed Fett to proceed with training the tribe.
Fett provided instruction to the tribe. Eventually, when the tribe was attacked once more, Fett spearheaded a raid targeting the train, which was being run by the Pyke Syndicate. Together, Fett and the tribe were able to defeat the Pykes and bring the train to a halt. Fett demanded that the Pykes cease their attacks on the Tuskens and begin paying a toll for traversing their territory. The chieftain made his way to the train and gave Fett a nod, showing his gratitude for the assistance provided to the tribe. Later that evening, the chieftain shared the tribe's history, explaining how they had chosen to remain hidden while other tribes resorted to violence for survival. Fett countered by asserting that they were warriors and should not conceal themselves. The chieftain responded by pointing out the off-worlders' advanced technology, to which Fett replied that they now possessed similar technology and knew every grain of sand in the Dune Sea.

The chieftain then gave Fett a present, saying it would act as a guide for him since Fett had been a good guide for the Tribe. The gift turned out to be a gekko that made its way inside Fett's body, inducing a vision and leading him on a desert journey until he discovered a wortwood tree, from which he procured a branch. Upon Fett's return to the camp the following morning, the chieftain requested to see the branch, which Fett presented. The chieftain nodded in approval before departing. The other members of the tribe assisted Fett in donning black Tusken robes and crafting his own gaderffii stick within a gaderffii stick workshop. Following his initiation, the tribe celebrated with a dance around a campfire.
After Boba Fett, now a member of the tribe, departed to meet with the Pyke Syndicate in Mos Eisley, the Pykes carried out a massacre against the tribe, which included the chieftain. To shift the blame, they left behind the symbol of the Kintan Striders, a speeder bike gang. Adhering to Tusken customs, Fett gathered the bodies and weapons, cremating them in a funeral pyre. In retaliation, Fett later attacked the Kintan Striders, killing a number of their members.
The television series The Book of Boba Fett featured the Tusken chieftain in its premiere, which was broadcast on December 29, 2021 on Disney+. Xavier Jimenez portrayed him. The Star Wars Encyclopedia: The Comprehensive Guide to the Star Wars Galaxy incorrectly identifies the Tusken Chieftain as a human.