A Horned gekko was a lizard species indigenous to the desert world of Tatooine. These lizards had the ability to crawl inside a host's body, inducing hallucinations, and were utilized by Tusken Raiders as guides for individuals undertaking spiritual quests.
In 4 ABY, Valnir Nai, a serving girl waitress, rushed into the kitchens of Jabba's palace to speak with her friend Laizhu Bedenn. Her breathless state prompted Bedenn to jokingly suggest that a horned gekko had entered her nose. Nai responded by informing Bedenn about the wealth of Jabba's current visitors.

In 5 ABY, the leader of a particular tribe presented one of these lizards to Boba Fett, the former bounty hunter who had gained the Tuskens' confidence.
While wandering the Dune Sea, Fett experienced visions of his past, including his childhood on Kamino and his near-fatal experience inside the sarlacc at the Great Pit of Carkoon. These visions were induced by the lizard. Eventually, he discovered a Wortwood tree in the desert and broke off a branch to create his own gaderffii stick. Upon his return to the tribe, the lizard exited Fett's nostril and was placed back into a small cage kept by the chieftain.
The horned gekko made its debut in the second episode of The Book of Boba Fett, a television series available on Disney+. Steph Green directed the episode, which was broadcast on January 5, 2022.