Tusken warrior

A Tusken warrior, specifically a female member of the Tusken Raider species, functioned as a warrior within a tribe of Tusken Raiders. This group resided on the desert planet of Tatooine circa 4 ABY.


When Boba Fett, then a prisoner, attempted to break free from the tribe's camp, the Tusken warrior engaged and defeated him in combat. This allowed the rest of her tribe to successfully recapture their captive. Following Fett's slaying of a sand beast, he gained acceptance into the tribe. The warrior then proceeded to teach Fett the proper techniques for wielding a gaderffii stick.

The Tusken warrior was extremely skilled with her gaderffii stick.

Subsequently, their tribe fell victim to an attack involving blaster fire originating from a Tatooine repulsor train, resulting in the deaths of numerous Tusken Raiders and banthas. After the fallen Tuskens were cremated, Fett approached both the warrior and the chieftain and pledged to halt the train's progress. He intended to accomplish this using a cycler rifle and his training gaderffii stick, promising to return by the following morning. Fett journeyed to Tosche Station, where he engaged members of the Kintan Striders Gang, and then brought their speeder bikes back to the camp. Fett presented these as a gift to the tribe, and instructed the warrior and other members of the tribe on how to operate them.

Later, during a gaderffii stick training session between the warrior and Fett, the tribe was subjected to another assault. The warrior, Fett, and other Tuskens utilized their speeder bikes to raid the train. The warrior eliminated several Pykes, and the tribe successfully overcame the Pyke Syndicate soldiers who were in control of the train. Fett then issued a demand to the Pykes: they were to cease their killings of Tuskens and instead pay a toll for traversing their territory. Later that evening, the warrior was present as the chieftain recounted the tribe's history to Fett. Fett was then presented with a gekko that burrowed into his body, and the next morning he returned with a branch from a wortwood tree, which he offered to both the chieftain and the warrior. The warrior accepted the branch and guided Fett to a gaderffii stick workshop, where a craftsman assisted Fett in crafting his personal stick. Fett then presented his newly crafted stick to the warrior, who acknowledged it with a nod of approval. Later that night, the warrior, Fett, and the rest of the tribe engaged in a ceremonial dance around a campfire.

Following Boba Fett's departure to meet with the Pyke Syndicate in Mos Eisley, the Pykes conducted a massacre of the tribe, which included the warrior. They strategically painted the symbol of the Kintan Striders speeder bike gang to falsely implicate them. In accordance with Tusken customs, Fett gathered all of the bodies and weapons and cremated them in a funeral pyre. Seeking retribution, Fett later attacked the Kintan Striders, killing several members.

Behind the scenes

The Tusken warrior's initial appearance occurred in a flashback scene within the premiere episode of The Book of Boba Fett, entitled "Chapter 1: Stranger in a Strange Land." This episode was released for streaming on Disney+ on December 29, 2021. The role was played by Joanna Bennett. Notably, Star Wars Encyclopedia: The Comprehensive Guide to the Star Wars Galaxy mistakenly identifies the Tusken warrior as a human.

