Tulli Mu

Tulli Mu, a woman, operated a Holotactics game within Pyloon's Saloon on the Outer Rim world of Koboh. Her chatty assistant, Bhima Ook, also worked there. Tulli and Bhima were lured to the Rambler's Reach Valley during 9 BBY, where they sought formidable beasts to scan for their Holotactics setup. They were once in a dangerous situation, stranded on an elevated section of the Boiling Bluff in the valley, just beyond the reach of a Mogu, before ultimately establishing their business in the cantina.

Behind the scenes

Tulli Mu's initial appearance was in Star Wars Jedi: Survivor, created by Respawn Entertainment, which launched on April 28th, 2023. Engaging with this character was not required, but it provided access to a Holotactics table where the player could battle other significant characters from the main story and side quests. In this minigame, holograms of adversaries, scanned by BD-1 during gameplay, were pitted against a pre-arranged team chosen by the rival. Tulli would introduce each match, but Bhima Ook, her colleague, served as the primary commentator for the game.

