Jo (bounty droid)

J0-WR1, more infamously known as Jo the Cannibal, was a bounty droid operating as an employee of the Haxion Brood criminal organization during the time of the Imperial Era, in the role of a worker. Her nickname came from her habit of incorporating pieces of droids she encountered or dismantled into her own construction over time. She was dispatched by Sorc Tormo as his chosen champion to capture Cal Kestis, a Jedi Knight for whom a bounty had been issued. In an attempt to recreate the Haxion Fight Pit from which Kestis had previously escaped, Jo arranged for a gauntlet of bounty hunters and Bedlam Raiders to confront him. Her animosity towards Kestis began when she initially observed him on Ordo Eris.

Ultimately, Cal Kestis annihilated the droid on Koboh, specifically aboard the fallen Lucrehulk known as the Primacy.

