The twenty-second and concluding episode of Star Wars: The Clone Wars Season One is entitled "Hostage Crisis." It also holds the distinction of being the series' twenty-second episode overall. The events of this episode occur in the chronological timeline between the Season Three episodes known as "Evil Plans" and "Hunt for Ziro."
Cad Bane and his band of bounty hunters, accompanied by a number of droid enforcers, arrive at the Senate landing zone. There, they are confronted by a group of Senate Commandos who are unhappy with their unsanctioned arrival and attempt to apprehend them. However, Aurra Sing snipes three commandos from a distance, and the remaining bounty hunters overpower the rest of the squad. A commando droid deceives security by making them believe that the Senate Commando squad had dealt with a group of protesters against the war, and then promptly steals their uniforms. Aurra Sing and the other bounty hunters then meet the group on the landing platform.
In Senator Padmé Amidala's office, located a few levels above, her husband, Anakin Skywalker, suggests taking her to a remote location in the galaxy for a vacation, where they would be unrecognized. However, Padmé is preoccupied with her work. Anakin then entrusts his lightsaber to Padmé, demonstrating his faith in her. He is forced to conceal himself when C-3PO and Senator Organa enter the office. Padmé quickly hides the lightsaber in her sleeve. Organa informs Padmé that they need to meet in the lobby to discuss the Enhanced Privacy Invasion Bill. Meanwhile, after Bane and his crew eliminate the remaining senate commandos, the team proceeds to the control panel room and subdues the droids stationed there, tasking Robonino with shutting down the power. The bounty hunters then depart to "talk to some senators." As the senators gather, the bounty hunters surround them and take them as hostages. Senator Philo attempts to escape but is shot in the back by Bane. Bane then contacts Chancellor Palpatine and demands the release of Ziro the Hutt from custody, which Palpatine refuses. Bane demonstrates his resolve by locking down the entire building, cutting off all external communication, and confiscating the senators' comlinks. Before searching Padmé, Bane spots Anakin on the upper level and fires at him, forcing the Jedi to retreat. To prevent Skywalker from escaping, Bane dispatches an IG-86 sentinel droid and Shahan Alama to pursue him.
Anakin manages to evade his pursuers and uses a terminal to contact Palpatine. The Chancellor advises Anakin to reach the central power core to request assistance. Anakin disconnects the transmission and hides before the bounty hunters can find him. He then uses a mind trick to convince Alama to search the other two floors. As the hunters split up, Anakin follows the IG-86 sentinel droid and incapacitates it. Alama returns to investigate and discovers the droid's destroyed remains. Noticing the absence of lightsaber marks, he realizes that Anakin does not have his lightsaber. Alama reports this to Bane, who sends Sing to assist in the search.
Anakin locates the power core, but a panicked Robonino closes the door behind him. Alama attempts to subdue Anakin from behind, but Anakin manages to take Alama's blaster. However, Robonino, with Sing's help, shocks Anakin into unconsciousness.
Following Bane's instructions, Palpatine provides Senator Orn Free Taa with a pardon chip to free Ziro from prison. HELIOS-3D retrieves the senator and takes him to the prison, where Ziro is released and transported away.
The bounty hunters drag the unconscious Anakin into the lobby and begin planting laser-triggered bombs. This allows them to leave the Senate Building without interference, despite an attempt by Orn Free Taa, Palpatine, and Clone Commander Fox's detachment of the Coruscant Guard to arrest them. After regaining consciousness, Anakin retrieves his lightsaber from Padmé, who pretends that he had dropped it. He cuts a hole in the floor, and Skywalker and the senators fall to the floor below, just before Bane detonates the bombs remotely due to the clone troopers' interference. Padmé then expresses her gratitude to Anakin for his role in the escape.
Having successfully freed Ziro from prison, Bane and the hunters leave the area. Ziro congratulates Bane on a successful mission, but Bane reminds him that he expects payment, emphasizing that his services are not free.
According to USA Today, "Hostage Crisis" garnered 3.3 million viewers, marking the highest ratings for the series since its premiere.
In an earlier version of the script, Senate Vice Chair Mas Amedda was intended to be in the executive office with Palpatine. However, the character was changed to Senator Orn Free Taa because his character model already existed, saving production time.
The text "PATSFAN-01" is written in Aurebesh on the back of Robonino's backpack.
This episode marks the first instance of LEP-series service droids serving the Republic, as they had previously only appeared as Separatist droids, albeit in non-combat roles.
The appearance of Clone Commander Fox in the episode was only confirmed during its Decoded broadcast.
When Bane instructs the disguised commando droids to remove the bodies of the dead Senate Commandos from the platform, human skin can be seen beneath the droids' helmets, even though the armor is being worn by droids.