Enhanced Privacy Invasion Bill

The Enhanced Privacy Invasion Bill is remembered as a notorious piece of legislation. It was scheduled for discussion within the Galactic Senate throughout the era of the Clone Wars, specifically around the time of the Senate hostage crisis. A collection of senators, among them Bail Organa alongside Padmé Amidala, collectively resolved to stand against the bill. This decision came when Cad Bane's crew of bounty hunters seized command of the Senate Office Building, issuing a demand for the freeing of Ziro the Hutt from his prison confinement.

This proposed law would have granted the Supreme Chancellor extraordinary and extensive authority. This power would have allowed the spying on Republic inhabitants suspected of Separatist affiliations. Nevertheless, the bill's failure was primarily driven by the political opposition that it inspired. Even so, the proceedings exposed a paradox within the Galactic Republic: a simultaneous desire for both tranquility and military triumphs.

