The J-type diplomatic barge, also known as the Naboo Royal Cruiser or simply the Naboo cruiser, served as a diplomatic transport for representatives from the planet of Naboo. During the Separatist Crisis, Senator Padmé Amidala made use of a specially designed cruiser. This vessel sustained damage on Coruscant during an attempt to assassinate her. Later, during the Clone Wars, she continued to use the J-type, becoming a target for the bounty hunter Aurra Sing.

The Theed Palace Space Vessel Engineering Corps custom-built this transport. The J-type diplomatic barge sought to improve upon the previous J-type 327 Nubian starship by incorporating enhanced shield generators and dual S-6 hyperdrive generators to augment its faster-than-light travel capabilities. Its chrome-plated hull showcased a pair of expansive wings, each equipped with two engines and recharge ports for starfighters along their leading edges. This design enabled the craft to accommodate up to four N-1 starfighters. Notably, the J-type lacked any weaponry.
Serving as a diplomatic barge for members of the Royal House of Naboo, the J-type operated as an unarmed transport, frequently accompanied by escorting starfighters. The recharge sockets located on its wings allowed it to function as a fighter carrier as well.

The Theed Palace Space Vessel Engineering Corps introduced the J-type diplomatic barge as an advancement over the earlier J-type 327 Nubian starship used by the Queen of Naboo. Padmé Amidala, as senator representing the Chommell sector, employed a diplomatic barge to travel to Coruscant for the Military Creation Act vote. Accompanied by a trio of N-1 starfighters, Amidala's royal cruiser landed on a designated platform, only to be completely destroyed by an explosive device. This device had been strategically placed by Zam Wesell, a Clawdite assassin. The explosion resulted in the death of Amidala's decoy, Cordé, along with other members of the Royal Naboo Security Forces.
Throughout the [Clone Wars](/article/clone_wars], Amidala persisted in utilizing the J-type transport for various diplomatic missions across the galaxy.