Eirtaé, originally named Eirtama Ballory, was a human female who excelled as a scientist, [engineer](/article/engineer], and artist. After Queen Padmé Amidala's election, Captain Quarsh Panaka recruited Eirtama to join the queen's group of handmaidens, at which point she took on the name Eirtaé.
During the time of the Invasion of Naboo, Eirtaé remained by the queen's side as they escaped the planet with the Jedi Qui-Gon Jinn and his apprentice Obi-Wan Kenobi. After completing her service, she relocated to Otoh Gunga to further her career as both an engineer and an artist.
Eirtama Ballory's birth occurred on the planet Naboo sometime between 51 and 45 BBY, before the Invasion of Naboo. In 32 BBY, Eirtama participated in an acting workshop, contributing as a set designer. After Padmé Amidala was chosen as the Queen of Naboo, Quarsh Panaka, in his role as Head of Security, visited the workshop searching for young women to become the queen's Royal Handmaidens. Although he primarily looked for girls with some physical resemblance to the queen, Sashah Adova, a girl without an assigned role at the workshop, suggested that he recruit Ballory.
Panaka heeded Adova's advice and went to the auditorium to observe a performance, specifically to assess Ballory's abilities. Ballory had designed a hoverpod for the sopranos to stand on during the performance. With a limited budget, Ballory constructed the hoverpod herself, drawing inspiration from one used by former Queen Réillata in her first opera after her reign. Despite clearly stating the weight limit of the pod's repulsor, the performance involved too many sopranos, leading to the pod's failure and crash onto the stage as Ballory watched helplessly. Panaka quickly moved to assist the injured performers, and Ballory joined him on stage. When Panaka inquired about her presence, Ballory stated that she designed the pod and would take responsibility for the incident. The following morning, Panaka formally offered Ballory the position, which she accepted.
Following their oath of loyalty and protection to Amidala, she and the other handmaidens changed their names to mirror Amidala's and create a bond with each other, as well as for privacy and a certain status. Eirtaé was somewhat hesitant about the change, but decided to proceed after Rabé reminded her that she could gain fame under her new name after her service as a handmaiden concluded, and she volunteered to serve as the Queen's communications expert.
Eirtaé also possessed design skills, aiding Amidala in redesigning her headpieces for improved comfort and collaborating with Yané to enhance the comfort and functionality of some of the queen's dresses and gowns.

In 32 BBY, Eirtaé was present on Naboo when the planet faced an invasion by the Trade Federation. After Queen Padmé Amidala was captured, Viceroy Nute Gunray informed Amidala that he intended to force her to sign a treaty legitimizing the Federation's invasion. Upon Amidala's refusal to cooperate, Amidala, Governor Sio Bibble, the Naboo Security Forces, and the handmaidens were to be transported by B1-series battle droids to Camp Four. En route to the camp, Jedi Master Qui-Gon Jinn and his Padawan, Obi-Wan Kenobi intervened, rescuing the group and facilitating their escape to the transports for travel to [Coruscant](/article/coruscant], where Amidala could present her case to the Senate. Following a brief stay on Coruscant, Amidala resolved to return to Naboo and liberate her people herself. She sought assistance from the Gungans, appealing to their leader, Boss Nass, who agreed to provide aid. Subsequently, after strategizing the liberation, they infiltrated the Theed palace. Inside, they encountered Darth Maul, and they decided to allow Jinn to confront him while they battled the Federation droids. After the battle concluded, Eirtaé attended the funeral for Jinn, who had been killed by Maul during the conflict. Eirtaé also participated in the celebration commemorating the liberation of Naboo shortly thereafter.
After the Queen concluded her final term as monarch, Eirtaé departed from Amidala's service and relocated to Otoh Gunga to pursue her artistic passions. There, she intended to study the Gungan method of cultivating vacuums as a means to explore her artistic endeavors and potentially enhance Nabooian agriculture. Her vision involved infusing paint into bubbles and utilizing pattern analysis to improve the cultivation of blue-algae, a fertilizer that had significantly improved Naboo's growing season.
Unlike the other handmaidens and the Queen, she possessed blond hair and blue [eyes](/article/eye]. She also had a light complexion. Eirtaé initially hesitated to change her name, as she had aspirations of achieving recognition under her birth name. However, she proceeded after being reminded that the role of a handmaiden was not conducive to fame, and that she could revert to her original name after her service ended. Despite this, she chose to remain Eirtaé instead of reverting to Eirtama Ballory after her service ended.
Upon their initial meeting, Padmé Amidala immediately recognized that Eirtaé had a proclivity for hands-on activities. Eirtaé was highly proficient with electronics, often tinkering with them in her free time, and possessed the skills to slice into databases. She also demonstrated a talent for painting. Eirtaé maintained emotional composure and generally avoided confrontation, but on at least one occasion, she displayed irritability towards her fellow handmaidens.
Friday "Liz" Wilson played Eirtaé in The Phantom Menace.