Orders (episode)

"Orders" marks the fourth installment of the sixth season of the animated television show, Star Wars: The Clone Wars. Its initial broadcast occurred on February 15, 2014, via the German television channel Super RTL. Later, on March 7, 2014, it became available in the United States and Canada through the streaming platform Netflix.

Official description

"Driven to uncover the truth, Fives relentlessly seeks answers concerning the perplexing clone contamination. He manages to arrange a meeting with Supreme Chancellor Palpatine. However, the situation rapidly deteriorates when Fives is falsely accused of assaulting the chancellor. Consequently, he is forced to seek refuge in the depths of the Coruscant cityscape, with his fellow clone troopers in hot pursuit."[1]_

Plot summary

The shuttle carrying clone trooper Fives, Jedi Master Shaak Ti, and Kaminoan scientist Nala Se makes its way to Coruscant. While Shaak Ti is distracted, Nala Se secretly injects the unconscious Fives with an unidentified substance.

Upon arrival at the Grand Republic Medical Facility, the group is greeted by Mas Amedda and escorted to a meeting with the Chancellor. Fives urgently argues that the chips are part of a Separatist scheme to incite aggression in the clones, contradicting Nala Se's claim that they are meant to suppress it. Palpatine proposes a private discussion with Fives, a suggestion to which Shaak Ti objects. He assures her of his safety with his security detail. While she waits outside, Palpatine calls for assistance, prompting Shaak Ti to rush back in and witness Fives overpowering Palpatine's guard. Fives seizes the guard's rifle and aims it at the Chancellor. Using the Force, she throws Fives aside, causing him to flee the room with Shaak Ti chasing after him. Palpatine calmly gets up and hands the chips over to Nala Se. Fives sprints through the center's reception area, narrowly escaping through the closing blast doors as Shaak Ti orders them shut.

At the Jedi Temple, Shaak Ti recounts the events to the Jedi Council in a conference attended by Yoda, Anakin Skywalker, Mace Windu, and Plo Koon. Skywalker expresses disbelief that Fives would attempt to assassinate the Chancellor and finds it suspicious that the Jedi have not been asked to join the search for the fugitive trooper. Windu suggests a discreet investigation, and Skywalker volunteers to lead it, reasoning that Fives trusts him and Captain Rex as his commanding officers in the 501st Legion.

Fives hires an air taxi piloted by Jay Igno to take him to the clone bar 79's. Unable to pay the fare, he instructs Igno to "bill it to the Republic," which amuses some nearby intoxicated clone officers. They accompany him inside and give him an officer's cap. Inside the bar, Fives spots fellow 501st troopers Kix and Jesse. As a squad of shock troopers from the Coruscant Guard arrives to conduct ID checks, Fives approaches Kix in the refresher and provides him with coordinates for a meeting with Anakin Skywalker and Captain Rex. He manages to evade the shock troopers and steals a Flitknot Speeder Bike to make his escape, but a probe droid follows him to a warehouse located on Level 1325 of an underworld portal.

Skywalker and Rex arrive at the warehouse, having received the coordinates from Kix. Fives requests that they lower their weapons and then activates a Ray shield around them. He explains the plot against the Jedi, detailing how the biochips implanted in every clone are intended to force them to kill their Jedi generals. Fives becomes frustrated when Skywalker and Rex express disbelief, insisting that the Chancellor is involved and revealed his orchestration of the plot in the medical bay. Commander Fox and his troops enter the warehouse and demand that Fives surrender, but he reaches for one of Rex's pistols, prompting Fox to shoot him. As he dies in Rex's arms, Fives declares that the conspiracy is far-reaching and that he only sought to fulfill his duty, finding solace in the end of his missions and nightmares.

In the Chancellor's office, Palpatine informs Mace Windu and Yoda that his personal physicians have examined the "tumors" provided by Fives. He claims that Nala Se overlooked the true cause of the clone troopers' behavior: a parasite originating from Ringo Vinda, for which an inoculation has been developed and will be administered to the clones.

At his palace on Serenno, Dooku confirms that he has received the biochips from Nala Se. As Darth Sidious, Palpatine instructs Dooku to destroy the evidence to ensure that no one can prevent Order 66.


