Phelbos, a celestial body, existed within the Bright Jewel system, situated in the Bright Jewel sector of the Mid Rim's. This body was encompassed by several rings composed of asteroids. Located at coordinates L-7 on the Standard Galactic Grid, Phelbos orbited the star known as Bright Jewel. During the Clone Wars, Vizsla Keep 09, a military base utilized by the Mandalorian terrorist organization Death Watch, was concealed within the asteroid rings surrounding Phelbos.

The initial mention of Phelbos occurred in the Databank entry for Vizsla Keep 09 on This entry was published following the appearance of the Keep in "The Holocrons of Fate," the third episode of the third season of the animated series Star Wars Rebels, which was broadcast on Disney XD on October 1, 2016. Although Phelbos itself has not been visually depicted, its asteroid rings were featured in both "The Holocrons of Fate" and the third issue of the comic series Star Wars: Darth Maul—Son of Dathomir, which was released on July 16, 2014.