Kaba Baiz, a Klatooinian who called the space station Glavis Ringworld home, held the position of boss at a meat packing plant. With a 9850-credit bounty on his head, Baiz found himself hunted by the Mandalorian bounty hunter Din Djarin in the year 9 ABY. During their confrontation, Baiz attempted to deceive the hunter by claiming to be someone else. However, the Mandalorian saw through the Klatooinian's ruse. Baiz's employees then attacked Djarin, but the bounty hunter defeated them all. Djarin then bisected Baiz and delivered his head to an Ishi Tib guild master.

Originating from the space station known as Glavis Ringworld was the Klatooinian named Kaba Baiz. In 9 ABY, he presided over a meat packing plant situated on the station, employing numerous other Klatooinians. However, Baiz accumulated a debt, leading to a 9850-credit bounty being issued for his capture. Tasked by an Ishi Tib guild master, the Mandalorian bounty hunter Din Djarin arrived at the plant and met Baiz while he and a worker were counting New Republic credits. Upon Djarin's inquiry about Baiz, accompanied by the display of a tracking fob, the boss feigned ignorance and asked the hunter what he wanted.
After Djarin revealed the Klatooinian's debt, Baiz made a false promise to inform the Mandalorian of his target's whereabouts, but the bounty hunter then showed a bounty puck displaying Baiz's picture and the bounty. Baiz disclaimed the image as his own, prompting the Mandalorian to instruct the workers in the room to leave. With his workers remaining in place, the Klatooinian pronounced Djarin surrounded and suggested a discussion of alternatives. The bounty hunter, however, made it clear that he would take Baiz in, alive or dead.

As Djarin brandished his blaster pistol, one of Baiz's workers relieved him of the weapon, and the Mandalorian engaged in combat with the surrounding workers, eliminating them all. Baiz, rising from his chair, drew his own blaster pistol and fired at the bounty hunter. Nevertheless, Djarin plunged a knife into Baiz's chest and threw him onto his table, bisecting him with the Darksaber, a black lightsaber holding symbolic importance for the Mandalorians. With another worker observing the scene and quickly fleeing, the bounty hunter severed Baiz's head and persuaded the group of Klatooinian meat packers, who had arrived to confront him, to seize Baiz's credits. Djarin then transported Baiz's head back to the Ishi Tib guild master, receiving the Klatooinian's reward and some information in return.
Kaba Baiz, a Klatooinian, possessed light brown skin and brown eyes. A black tattoo adorned his left forehead, and he sported several metal piercings: four studs along the bridge of his nose and two half rings on the left side of his chin. During his confrontation with Din Djarin, the Klatooinian denied his identity to avoid capture. Even when confronted with his own image on a bounty puck, he maintained that it did not resemble him. When his efforts proved futile, Baiz resorted to threatening the Mandalorian with an attack from his workers, hoping to initiate a negotiation.
Kaba Baiz made an appearance in "Chapter 5: Return of the Mandalorian" of the Disney+ series The Book of Boba Fett, which was broadcast on January 26, 2022. He was played by Ardeshir Radpour, who also served as the performance double for the "Klatooinian Boss" character in "Chapter 4: The Gathering Storm" and "Chapter 7: In the Name of Honor," which were released on January 19 and February 9 of that year, respectively.