During the time of the Clone Wars, the Shadow Collective, under the command of the renegade Sith Lord Maul, ventured to Nal Hutta in an attempt to secure the support of the Grand Hutt Council and the Hutt Clan. The Hutt Clan, a significant supporter of the Galactic Republic, was targeted for their coup on Mandalore. The Clan's leadership reacted with hostility to Maul's intimidation, and Jabba commanded his bounty hunters to assassinate him, which ignited a conflict. The bounty hunters and Hutt enforcers forced the two Sith and Pre Vizsla to retreat to a landing platform, where they were ambushed by a number of Death Watch warriors. As Maul and Savage battled Embo and Sugi, the Shadow Collective's soldiers stormed the structure. Vizla, who had been incapacitated by Sugi, regained consciousness and, upon observing the remaining Nikto guards withdrawing, activated the Darksaber and eliminated them all. Following a short skirmish, the bounty hunters and the few guards who survived escaped, with the exception of Oruba. After Oruba suggested they confront Jabba in his palace located on Tatooine, Maul instructed Savage Opress to execute him.