
Oruba, a Hutt crime lord of the male persuasion, held a seat on the esteemed Grand Hutt Council during the tumultuous era of the Clone Wars. He was born with a rare genetic condition that resulted in a complete absence of pigmentation in his skin, setting him apart visually from the majority of his Hutt brethren. Consequently, Oruba was among the few Hutts who adorned themselves with attire, typically a flamboyant cape paired with a stylish beret. When Maul and the Death Watch sought an alliance with the Hutt Council, Oruba inquired about what they could offer in exchange for such a partnership. This proposal was met with laughter by the Hutts, who then ordered the execution of Maul and his allies. However, the planned execution devolved into a violent skirmish, during which Oruba met his demise at the hands of Savage Opress. Before his death, he divulged to Maul the location of Jabba's Palace on Tatooine.


Oruba voicing his concerns about Ziro.

Oruba, a male Hutt, was the last of the Grand Hutt Council members to respond to Jabba's summons, with his hologram materializing within Jabba's throne room. Initially, Oruba remained silent throughout the meeting. However, after Jabba addressed Arok's inquiry regarding the fate of Ziro following his release, Oruba expressed his belief that the council would benefit from having Ziro under their protection. Jabba concurred, prompting the elder Hutt to inquire about who would undertake this task. The answer came in the form of bounty hunter Cad Bane, who materialized through Oruba's hologram and presented himself to the council. Oruba, along with Jabba and the rest of the Hutt council, agreed to task Bane with breaking Ziro out of Republic custody and delivering him to the council.

Following his liberation by Bane, Ziro was brought before the Hutt Grand Council on the planet Nal Hutta, where Oruba was present. During Ziro's conversation with the council, which revolved around the details of his release and the potentially damaging information he possessed regarding the council's activities, Oruba maintained his silence.

After Ziro's removal to the detention block, Oruba and the other council members were treated to a performance of Da Hutt Moda by the Pa'lowick singer Sy Snootles. As the performance began, the elder Hutt signaled his approval to his fellow council members. Oruba chuckled as Snootles danced past him and the other members of the council.

Following Snootles' performance, Oruba was enjoying the entertainment provided by the Twi'lek dancers when Jedi Masters Obi-Wan Kenobi and Quinlan Vos entered the council chamber. Oruba remained silent as Kenobi informed the council of Ziro's escape and glared at the pair after Vos suggested that the council was complicit in Ziro's escape. After the Jedi departed, Oruba resumed watching the dancing Twi'leks.


Oruba moments before his death

In 19 BBY, the Grand Hutt Council was approached by the rogue Sith Lords Maul and Savage Opress, alongside Death Watch leader Pre Vizsla, who sought an alliance for their Shadow Collective. Oruba was physically present, alongside Arok and Marlo, while Gorga and Jabba appeared via hologram. The meeting descended into a skirmish. While Arok and Marlo managed to escape, Oruba was captured. Maul demanded the location of Jabba. After the terrified Hutt revealed the location of Jabba's Palace, he was killed by Savage on Maul's orders, who was displeased that Oruba could only provide the information that Jabba was in his palace on Tatooine.

Personality and traits

Oruba, a male Hutt, possessed [blue](/article/color] eyes. His skin was characterized by its paleness, a result of albinism. Oruba could be identified by his relatively narrow head for a Hutt, and his penchant for wearing clothes. He also wore a beret-like hat and a wrap to shield his pigment-free skin, a consequence of a genetic mutation. This mutation made Oruba's pale skin susceptible to chafing, prompting him to wear clothing to conceal his condition.

Like the majority of Hutts, Oruba had a fondness for musical entertainment. During his capture and interrogation by Maul and Savage, Oruba displayed his cowardice, exhibiting terror and a willingness to divulge Jabba's location, though he needed to clarify that Jabba was in his palace on Tatooine. In the moments leading up to his death, Oruba screamed in terror as Savage struck him down with his double-bladed lightsaber.

Skills and abilities

As a highly esteemed member of the Hutt Council, Oruba was recognized for his skills in persuasion, intimidation, and leadership.

