
As a male Hutt, Arok was the head of the Besadii kajidic, which was a part of the Five Hutt families and their crime syndicate. He operated during the Clone Wars alongside Jabba, Gorga, Oruba, and Marlo.


Arok discussing Ziro's release.

During the time of the [Clone Wars](/article/clone_wars], Arok held membership within the Besadii kajidic. When Jabba convened the Grand Hutt Council, Arok, while smoking, responded to the summons and was the third council member to have his hologram appear in Jabba's throne room. Arok, using Ancient Huttese, spoke about the necessity of freeing Ziro from the custody of the Republic, addressing Jabba and the other council members. Arok continued his smoking during the meeting when he was not speaking. He inquired with Jabba whether Ziro would be brought before the council following his release, and Jabba confirmed that he would. Arok then concurred with Jabba and the other council members that Cad Bane, a bounty hunter, should be hired to extract Ziro from Republic custody and deliver him to the council.

After Bane successfully freed Ziro, Arok was there when Ziro was brought before the Hutt Council on Nal Hutta. Upon hearing Ziro's claim that he possessed a holodiary with details of the council's misdeeds, Arok expressed his annoyance with a groan. He threatened Ziro in Huttese, saying that they had the power to end his life. After Ziro was escorted to the detention block, Marlo and the other council members enjoyed a performance by Sy Snootles, a Pa'lowick singer. Arok gave a chuckle as Snootles danced past him and the rest of the council.

Arok, with Gardulla, and Gorga speaking to Cad Bane.

Following Snootles' performance, Arok was enjoying the Twi'lek dancers when Obi-Wan Kenobi and Quinlan Vos, both Jedi Masters, made their entrance into the council chamber. Arok remained silent as Kenobi informed the council about Ziro's escape.

Sometime later, Arok went with Gardulla, Gorga, and Cad Bane to the detention block, where they discovered Ziro's cell was empty. Arok put forth the idea that the Jedi were responsible for Ziro's escape, a sentiment that Gardulla shared, but Bane disagreed. When Bane declared that he was done working for the Hutts, Arok became worried and agreed with his fellow Hutts that Bane should be tasked with tracking down Ziro.

Behind the scenes

Dee Bradley Baker provided the voice for Arok. The voice and overall appearance of Arok were inspired by Edward G. Robinson, a famous actor known for his roles as American gangsters.

