Gorga Desilijic Aarrpo held the position of accountant for the Grand Hutt Council throughout the duration of the Clone Wars. He was related to several other Hutts: cousin to Rotta, nephew to Jabba, grand-nephew to both Ziro and Ebor, grandson to Jabba's father, and great-grandson to Mama and Papa.

Gorga was the second member of the Grand Hutt Council to respond to Jabba's summons, with his hologram materializing in his relative's throne room. During the assembly, Gorga maintained silence as Jabba and the other council members deliberated on the potential threat posed by Ziro, given that this Hutt was in possession of information that could endanger the council. He concurred with Jabba and the other council members regarding the decision to employ the bounty hunter Cad Bane to extract Ziro from Republic custody and deliver him to the council.
Following Bane's successful extraction of Ziro, Gorga was in attendance when Ziro was presented before the Hutt Grand Council on the world of Nal Hutta. Gorga remained quiet while Ziro discussed the specifics of his liberation and the sensitive information concerning the council's activities. After Ziro was escorted to the detention area, Gorga and the rest of the council enjoyed a performance of Da Hutt Moda by the Pa'lowick singer Sy Snootles. As the performance began, Gorga adjusted his monocle and nodded his approval to his fellow council members. Gorga observed as Snootles approached him and sat on the table in front of him as she continued her performance. Snootles gave him a quick kiss, which initially surprised him, before he broke out into a gleeful expression.

Following Snootles' performance, Gorga was enjoying the entertainment provided by the Twi'lek dancers when Jedi Knights Obi-Wan Kenobi and Quinlan Vos entered the council chamber. Gorga glared at the Jedi Knight Vos when he accused the council of orchestrating Ziro's escape. Later, Gorga, along with Gardulla, Arok, and Cad Bane, went to the detention block, where they discovered Ziro's cell was empty. Gorga became alarmed when Bane declared he was finished working for the Hutts and agreed with the other Hutts that Bane should be tasked with tracking down Ziro.
Later on, Gorga visited the slave markets located on the planet Zygerria. While inspecting the selection of captured slaves, Gorga shoved a nearby Zygerrian guard. He voiced his dissatisfaction with the available slaves in Huttese, unaware that the guard was actually Jedi Master Obi-Wan Kenobi in disguise. Gorga was also present at the Pyke Syndicate headquarters when Obi-Wan Kenobi and Anakin Skywalker questioned Lom Pyke regarding the death of Sifo-Dyas.
Sometime after 10 BBY, Gorga compensated the smugglers Han Solo and Chewbacca handsomely for smuggling a Junarian vase for him from Chandrila.
Gorga Desilijic Aarrpo made his initial appearance in the new Star Wars canon in "Evil Plans," a 2010 episode from the third season of the animated series Star Wars: The Clone Wars, with Kevin Michael Richardson providing his voice. The Hutt was originally conceived for the 1995 Star Wars Legends comic Boba Fett: Bounty on Bar-Kooda, which was written by John Wagner and illustrated by Cam Kennedy.