Prior to and during the Clone Wars, Mama served as an elder female Hutt belonging to the Hutt Clan. She was the progenitor of Ebor, Ziro, and the father of Jabba Desilijic Tiure. Furthermore, she held the position of grandmother to Jabba, and great-grandmother to both Rotta and Gorga.
Sometime prior to 1021 BBY, Mama, an elder Hutt, was born and at some point entered into matrimony with Papa. As a result of their union, they produced three offspring: Ziro Desilijic Tiure, Ebor, and another male child. Sadly, Ebor would eventually die. She was also the grandmother of Jabba Desilijic Tiure, and the great-grandmother of Jabba's son Rotta, and his nephew Gorga Desilijic Aarrpo. Before the Clone Wars commenced, Papa absconded, ultimately meeting his end and being interred on Teth. This information remained solely within Ziro's knowledge, who lacked the courage to inform his mother of Papa's demise.
Years later, amidst the Clone Wars, Cad Bane, a Bounty hunter contracted by the Grand Hutt Council, orchestrated Ziro's escape from a Republic Prison during a hostage crisis. The Council sought Ziro's liberation due to his possession of compromising information, specifically incriminating files detailing their illicit activities over the years. Following his relocation to Nal Hutta by Bane, Ziro was detained by the Council as they deliberated his fate. During this period, Ziro's former paramour, Sy Snootles, facilitated his escape. Fleeing both Gardulla and the Council, Ziro sought sanctuary at his old home, where he reunited with Mama. Mama's reception was less than enthusiastic, given their prolonged separation and his inopportune arrival during dinner. Despite Ziro's insincere claims of joy at seeing her, Mama discerned his ulterior motives and directly inquired about his intentions. Ziro aimed to exchange his Swamp Speeder for Mama's Starship, citing Gardulla's pursuit. Mama acquiesced to Ziro's request, and he and Snootles set course for Teth.
Shortly after their departure, Cad Bane and his droid companion, Todo 360, arrived at the residence, demanding information regarding Ziro's whereabouts. Mama directed them toward Teth, prompting their immediate departure in pursuit of Ziro. Almost immediately after the Bounty Hunters left, Mama received a visit from two Jedi, Obi-Wan Kenobi and Quinlan Vos, who were also in pursuit of Ziro. Mama expressed her displeasure at Quinlan's forceful entry into her home, as the Jedi had broken down her door. Nevertheless, she provided assistance to the two Jedi, informing them of Ziro's destination, Teth. The two Jedi then departed, and Mama requested that they repair her door. Ziro would meet his demise on Teth, betrayed and murdered by Snootles, with both Bane and the Jedi arriving too late to apprehend Ziro. Ziro's death left Mama as the sole surviving member of their family.
Mama was a female Hutt and the clan matriarch of the Desilijic family. She was related to many Hutt crime lords, including her son Ziro, Jabba and Gorga. According to her son Ziro, Mama was at her happiest when she was miserable. Mama dwelled in her home in the Nal Hutta swamps, where she carefully tended to the needs of her menagerie of Sha'rellian toops and shooing away nosy bounty hunters, arrogant Jedi and needy relatives.
The character of Mama was partly inspired by the character Pearl, a massively obese Vampire from the 1998 superhero film Blade.
The reference book Star Wars: Absolutely Everything You Need to Know says Mama's height was 4.52 meters. However, Star Wars: The Clone Wars: Character Encyclopedia - Join the Battle! states that her height was 3.61 meters.