Before his transformation, General Grievous, who was once a Kaleesh, donned a Kaleesh cloak.
The Kaleesh cloak is a type of cloak utilized as campaign dress by Kaleesh warriors, a custom originating on their homeworld of Kalee. Before becoming a cyborg, General Grievous himself sported a Kaleesh cloak; even after his transformation, he continued to wear a cloak, though this one was equipped with pockets. As a tribute to the warrior traditions of his people, Grievous gifted Kaleesh cloaks to the IG-100 MagnaGuards serving under him. An Ithorian collector by the name of Dok-Ondar acquired a Kaleesh cloak previously owned by the late General Grievous and put it on display in his Batuuan shop, Dok-Ondar's Den of Antiquities, located in Black Spire Outpost.