The Batuuan Salju
The people of Batuu, known as Batuuans, inhabited the planet of Batuu. Long before the era of the First Order, and even before lightspeed travel was common, the first inhabitants arrived on this world. Initially a bustling hub for commerce, Batuu's significance waned when major hyperspace routes began to circumvent it, transforming it into a haven for those desiring tranquility. The blending of diverse species on Batuu fostered a welcoming and inclusive culture, with traditions merging over time. Their reputation for generosity and warmth was well-earned, as demonstrated by places like Oga Garra's famous cantina.
As a morning salutation, Batuaans would say "Bright suns". When parting ways in the evening, they would say "Rising moons". And finally, "Till the Spire" functioned as a ubiquitous expression of goodbye.