Noxi Kell

Noxi Kell was a Jedi who held the position of assistant under Chief Librarian Jedi Master Jocasta Nu. In the time directly following the First Battle of Geonosis, Nu dispatched Kell to escort newly appointed Knight Iskat Akaris to the Jedi Archives for a conversation concerning Akaris's trajectory within the Order. During this meeting, Akaris inquired if Kell knew what species she was, but Kell could not provide an answer because Nu returned and promptly dismissed Akaris.

Shortly thereafter, Kell efficiently addressed all of Master Obi-Wan Kenobi's inquiries regarding Cato Neimoidia, significantly reducing the duration of his visit to the Archives. As he departed, she acknowledged him with a nod and a wave.

Behind the scenes

The character Noxi Kell is featured in the 2022 canon novel titled Brotherhood, which was penned by Mike Chen. The name Noxi Kell is a named reference to Kelly Knox, a fellow writer in the Star Wars universe and a friend of Chen. Chen has mentioned that Knox aided him in the creation of Brotherhood by clarifying intricate details about the world, often by providing images from DK Publishing reference materials.

