Ai-Dan Yelooc was a Jedi male of human descent who was active during the High Republic Era. One year after the destruction of Starlight Beacon, Yelooc served aboard the Republic Longbeam cruiser named Gios. He journeyed to Ballum alongside fellow Jedi including Keeve Trennis, Ceret, Terec, and Santar in order to intercept a clandestine meeting between Skarabda, the chief diplomatic envoy representing the Hutt Clan, and the Nihil. When their encounter escalated into a battle, Yelooc skillfully piloted a Jedi Vector starfighter to combat the attacking Hutt forces, saving Ceret's life by destroying a Hutt skiff fighter. This action demonstrated Yelooc's aptitude in piloting a Vector. As Lourna Dee, the leader of the Nihil who had become a Hutt enforcer, attempted to escape Ballum aboard the stolen Jedi cruiser Ataraxia and ejected crates filled with people, Yelooc used the Force to safely guide them into the Gios.
The first appearance of Ai-Dan Yelooc was in the comic book series Star Wars: The High Republic, specifically in its first issue. The comic was penned by Cavan Scott, with illustrations provided by Ario Anindito and Jim Towe, and was released by Marvel Comics on November 8, 2023. The character's creation was a tuckerization and a tribute to Aidan Cooley. Cooley had connected with Scott through the Make-A-Wish Foundation with the desire to be depicted as a Jedi.