Harloff Minor

Harloff Minor, a planet situated in the Core Worlds region, was located in proximity to Coruscant. Renowned for its substantial equatorial cities and bustling traffic, this world was a major hub for both commerce and culture throughout the galaxy.


Nestled within the galactic core, Harloff Minor enjoyed a location close to Coruscant, the capital of the Republic and itself a part of the Corusca sector. Its atmosphere experienced considerable air traffic due to its popularity. The planet featured diverse climates, and its urban centers boasted exceptional restaurants celebrated galaxy-wide.


During the reign of the Galactic Empire, Harloff Minor was considered, alongside Iloh, Lonera, and Arreyel, as a potential site for establishing an Imperial Academy focused on aeronautical engineering and design. This matter was subject to debate within the Imperial Senate's Apprentice Legislature in 3 BBY, where Legislator Harp Allor of Chandrila championed the selection of this planet.

In 28 ABY, Rinnrivin Di, the leader of a Nikto crime cartel, was present on this world amidst the Amaxine warrior crisis. New Republic Senator Leia Organa, who was investigating Di's connection to the Amaxines, followed him to Harloff Minor, leading to a meeting between the two in a Nikto-themed restaurant.

Behind the scenes

Harloff Minor made its debut in the 2016 novel Bloodline, authored by Claudia Gray. The planet's name pays homage to Kristian Harloff, a movie critic and dedicated Star Wars enthusiast.

