Dannl Faytonni

Dannl Faytonni, a human male, maintained a connection with Achk Med-Beq. Both were present at the Outlander Club located on Coruscant in 22 BBY, the same location where Zam Wesell, the Clawdite assassin, attempted to find refuge from the pursuing Jedi Obi-Wan Kenobi and Anakin Skywalker. As Kenobi and Skywalker were assisting Wesell in the back of the establishment, Faytonni and Med-Beq were observed patrolling the second story of the Outlander Club. Three years later, Faytonni was an attendee at the Galaxies Opera House on the same evening that Skywalker had a meeting with Supreme Chancellor Sheev Palpatine.


Police impersonator

Dannl Faytonni worked as a con artist.

Dannl Faytonni, a male human born around 76 BBY on Corellia, was a small-time con artist operating on Coruscant. He often frequented entertainment venues in the Uscru District, typically between levels 3000 and 4000 of Galactic City. This Corellian partnered with Achk Med-Beq, also a con man. After they escaped from prison together, they managed to acquire uniforms from the Republic Security Force to masquerade as member of the Republic Judiciary in 22 BBY.

Dressed in their newly obtained uniforms, the duo went to the Outlander Club in the Uscru Entertainment District in search of vulnerable targets. Faytonni separated from Med-Beq and ended up leaning against the bar, conversing with three human women. One of the women departed just as Obi-Wan Kenobi, a Jedi Knight, was being served a drink nearby. The trio continued their conversation until Kenobi abruptly drew his lightsaber and severed the arm of Zam Wesell, a bounty hunter who had been quietly approaching the Jedi with a blaster pistol in hand. Faytonni was startled and turned around, but quickly resumed his conversation as Kenobi escorted Wesell out of the club. He turned again to listen as Anakin Skywalker, Kenobi's Padawan, announced that the incident was "Jedi business" and instructed the patrons to return to their drinks. While the Jedi were questioning Wesell in an alley outside, Faytonni and Med-Beq reunited and devised a plan while walking along the upper balcony of the club.

Continued activity

Faytonni's impersonation of a Judicial at fifty-four year old was his most significant offense, leading to an arrest warrant issued from the Level 3921 issuing office. Although the warrant was processed, it was not prioritized due to the outbreak of the Clone Wars soon after, which shifted the Security Force's focus to homeworld security. Nevertheless, Inspector Tanivos Divo of the Coruscant Security Force, who had a file on Faytonni, continued to monitor the con man and encouraged beat officers in the Uscru District to do the same. Under surveillance, Faytonni adapted by offering useful leads and information on larger targets to the Security Force in exchange for them overlooking his illegal activities.

Divo reluctantly accepted this arrangement, noting that it was difficult to justify using the fuel cells required to send a speeder to arrest Faytonni. He also included a holo of Faytonni secretly selling two spiced death sticks to an alien patron at the Outlander Club. In 19 BBY, Faytonni was still a con artist, wearing fake military attire while attending the Galaxies Opera House in the higher levels of the Uscru District. The Corellian walked up the opera house steps with another uniformed human as Skywalker—by then a Jedi Knight and war hero—passed them on his way to meet Supreme Chancellor Sheev Palpatine inside.


During the New Republic Era, Exantor Divo, the New Republic police commissioner and grandson of Tanivos Divo, wrote about Faytonni in his book, Scum and Villainy: Case Files on the Galaxy's Most Notorious. Published in 34 ABY, the book detailed the experiences of three generations of law enforcement in his family. He included information from his grandfather's case file on Faytonni, including the arrest warrant and the holo of him dealing death sticks.

Personality and traits

Dannl Faytonni was a constantly adaptable individual, carving out a niche for himself by providing information to both criminals and law enforcement in exchange for his continued freedom. He possessed gray hair, blue eyes, and fair skin.


The stolen uniform Faytonni wore at the Outlander Club was blue with gold markings on the sleeves, along with black boots and a black belt and braces. In the image used on his arrest warrant, he wore a white shirt under a black jacket. The fake military gear he wore to the opera house was also blue with gold markings on the sleeves, but included additional gold embellishments on the shoulders and neck, as well as a tall blue hat with a logo on the front and gold markings on the sides.

Behind the scenes

Dannl Faytonni made his first appearance in the 2002 film Star Wars: Episode II Attack of the Clones, portrayed by Star Wars veteran Anthony Daniels, who also played C-3PO. Within the current Star Wars canon, Faytonni was identified in the 2016 reference book Star Wars: Complete Locations. Daniels' cameo as Faytonni marks the first time the actor appeared in a Star Wars film without the C-3PO costume, later followed by his cameo as Tak, a Coruscanti con artist, during a slave uprising in the spice mines of Kessel in the 2018 film Solo: A Star Wars Story.

