Krono Relt

Krono Relt was a Rebel saboteur, a male Human, who operated as a spy on the first Death Star during the era of the Galactic Civil War.


The Alliance dispatched him in 0 BBY with orders to assassinate Akobi, the Imperial Army Commander, due to Akobi's accidental bombing of a hospital located in the city of Ettam on the planet Ralltiir. The Empire covered up the incident and instead declared Akobi a hero, which generated animosity within the Alliance. Unbeknownst to Relt, Akobi felt remorse for the events that transpired.

Relt's initial attempt to eliminate Akobi on Ralltiir involved the remote detonation of a power generator on the planet. However, stormtrooper TK-622 intervened and saved Akobi. Following TK-622 and Akobi's transfer to the Empire's DS-1 Orbital Battle Station, Relt made a second attempt by reprogramming an RA-7 protocol droid to target Akobi. Again, TK-622 thwarted the assassination by disabling the droid, saving Akobi's life for the second time. Subsequently, 622 delivered the RA-7 to Krono Relt, who was disguised as a Death Star trooper. Relt told him that the droid had fused processors, which he said made it unable to be upgraded or think outside of its programming. While the two examined the droid's programming, 622 thought he noticed an order to assassinate Commander Akobi. As he voiced his concern to Relt, the droid's remains exploded, leaving the programming illegible.

The third assassination attempt on Akobi proved successful. As Akobi and TK-622 were en route to an award ceremony celebrating the commander's actions, a Viper probe droid approached them, delivering an electrical shock that fatally wounded Akobi. As Akobi lay dying in an infirmary, he revealed the truth about the Ralltiir bombings to 622, suggesting that the Empire might not be perfect.

TK-622 then sought out Relt, having also learned that RA-7 droids were easily reprogrammed. As the crucial Battle of Yavin unfolded outside the Death Star battle station, 622 came to the realization that Relt was responsible for Akobi's death, leading to a confrontation between the two men. Ultimately, Relt was killed by debris originating from the Death Star when the station was destroyed by Rebel pilot Luke Skywalker.

