A tragic massacre transpired in the small town of Ettam on the planet Ralltiir, an event that unfolded while the Galactic Empire held dominion over the world.
During the period of conflict between the Galactic Empire and the local rebel factions on Ralltiir, this massacre stood as one of numerous acts of violence. The atrocity was committed under the orders of Imperial Army Commander Akobi. With his communications disrupted by Alliance to Restore the Republic fighters, he commanded an assault on what he erroneously believed to be a rebel arms cache.
However, the bombers, acting on the coordinates provided by Akobi, instead obliterated a medical center filled with defenseless civilians. The Galactic Empire minimized the significance of the event, and Akobi was celebrated as a hero. This devastating massacre took place a mere five days prior to the Battle of Yavin and the annihilation of the first Death Star.