
TK-622, also identified as 622, held the rank of sergeant within the Galactic Empire's Stormtrooper Corps during the era of the Galactic Civil War. Before his assignment to the first Death Star in the year 0 BBY, he saw action in military operations on both Malastare and Ralltiir. A firm advocate for the Empire, 622 was absolutely certain that their side held the moral high ground in the conflict. Following the assassination of his commanding officer and comrade Commander Akobi by a Viper probe droid that had been sabotaged, while aboard the Death Star, TK-622 embarked on a mission to find the person responsible. Although he sought the assistance of Krono Relt, a droid technician, his efforts to investigate were largely unsuccessful. As the Battle of Yavin unfolded outside the Death Star, Relt revealed his true identity as Akobi's killer, confessing to being an undercover Rebel agent. During the intense confrontation that followed, 622 witnessed justice for his friend as Relt was killed by accidental fire originating from the external battle. TK-622 met his end contemplating galactic politics when the Death Star met its explosive demise just moments later.


Service on Malastare

As one of the millions of clone soldiers derived from Jango Fett serving the Empire, stormtrooper sergeant TK-622 participated in a military campaign that took place on the planet of Malastare during 2 BBY. At one point during this engagement, he was responsible for saving the life of Commander Akobi, who was his superior officer, and the two formed a friendship. Following this event, Akobi made it a priority to keep TK-622 close by and under his direct command. As a result, when his commanding officer received new orders to go to Ralltiir, 622 went with him.

Ralltiiri rebellion

TK-622 saving Akobi from an explosion.

By the year 0 BBY, the Alliance to Restore the Republic had managed to establish a foothold on Ralltiir. Believing that they would face minimal resistance, TK-622 and Akobi were dispatched to the planet with the mission of helping the local population to free themselves from Rebel control. It quickly became clear that the Rebellion enjoyed considerable support among the people, which led the local rebels to resort to extreme tactics, including suicide bombings, against the Imperial forces. Despite their best efforts to win over the Ralltiiri, TK-622 and his unit were constantly subjected to acts of sabotage carried out by the enemy. The resistance from the Ralltiiri was confusing to TK-622, as he was genuinely convinced that the Galactic Empire was the only entity preventing Ralltiir, as well as the galaxy as a whole, from descending into chaos.

Four days before the Battle of Yavin, TK-622 and his team were caught in an ambush set by a Rebel force. Although every member of the squad, with the exception of himself, was killed, 622 tracked down those responsible and subdued them using a thermal detonator. After arresting the surviving Rebels, he escorted them back to the division headquarters. Upon his arrival, he was praised for capturing the enemy soldiers and was informed by Commander Akobi that their division was being reassigned to the newly finished first Death Star battle station. TK-622 heard a countdown sound that seemed out of place, which he found suspicious enough that he threw both Akobi and himself to the ground, narrowly avoiding a large explosion. 622 immediately suspected that the Rebels were involved in the explosion, but Akobi dismissed it as simply an accident.

Death Star

TK-622 witnessing the destruction of the Death Star.

When Akobi's division was ordered to relocate to the Death Star, the commander ensured that TK-622 was included in the transfer. Akobi had such a high level of confidence in 622 that he went as far as making specific arrangements to share living quarters with the stormtrooper. Upon their arrival at the battlestation, Akobi requested that TK-622 oversee the transfer of files and equipment. 622 complied with this request, but he paused when he noticed an unfamiliar RA-7 protocol droid approaching the commander. As the droid drew a blaster rifle and started firing at Akobi and several other officers, 622 shot it in the neck, successfully stopping it. Although Akobi was unharmed in the incident, at least two officers lost their lives. TK-622 was given instructions to take the destroyed droid to the droid maintenance crew so that they could analyze its programming.

622 took the RA-7 to Krono Relt, a droid technician. Relt told him that the droid's processors had fused, which he claimed made it impossible for the droid to receive updates or think beyond its programmed directives. While the two were examining the droid's programming, 622 noticed what he thought was an order to assassinate Commander Akobi. Just as he was expressing his concern to Relt, the remains of the droid exploded, making the programming impossible to read. Following this event, 622 shared his suspicions with Akobi. However, the commander once again dismissed the near-fatal situation as an accident, attributing it to the generally poor quality of the droid model. As they were heading to an award ceremony recognizing one of Akobi's most famous military achievements on Ralltiir, 622 and the commander were quickly approached by a Viper probe droid. Taken by surprise, 622 was unable to react quickly enough to stop the droid before it electrocuted and nearly killed Akobi immediately.

Following the assassination attempt, Akobi, who was barely clinging to life, attempted to explain to TK-622 that the award ceremony was a cover-up for the truth about what had happened on Ralltiir: the commander himself had made a poor decision and mistakenly ordered the bombing of a medical center. Shortly before he died, Akobi used this information to try to convince the stormtrooper that the Empire was not perfect. 622 began his own investigation into the droid sabotage, neglecting his responsibilities as a soldier to focus on the case. Despite his determination, 622 only found conflicting evidence and was unable to make any progress. As the Battle of Yavin raged around him, TK-622 was approached by Krono Relt, who revealed that he was both a Rebel saboteur and the one responsible for Akobi's death. The two fought briefly, until Relt was killed by a stray Rebel torpedo from the battle. Disturbed by Relt's betrayal and questioning his allegiance to the Empire, 622 watched as Luke Skywalker fired a torpedo into the thermal exhaust port of the Death Star. When the battlestation exploded shortly after, TK-622 was among the thousands who died.

Personality and traits

TK-622 was a committed and observant soldier, capable of saving Akobi's life on multiple occasions simply because he was carefully aware of what was happening around him. Although he had fast reactions, his clone training prevented him from being a deep thinker, which significantly hindered his investigation into Akobi's assassination. He complained that he would lose focus when he tried to think about the case, which he found to be complex.

He truly believed that the Galactic Empire was the only force preventing the galaxy from becoming a "chaotic free-for-all" and was willing to die to protect it. This belief was only strengthened by the fanaticism of the Ralltiiri Rebels, who even used children in their struggle to rid their planet of the Empire. However, Akobi's last words about how the Empire wasn't "always the shining example of order" caused the stormtrooper to start doubting himself. He wondered if he believed in the Empire simply because he had been trained to do so. In the end, however, he concluded that the Empire ultimately failed because the Rebellion had corrupted its spirit. Just as Luke Skywalker's proton torpedo had penetrated the Death Star, the Rebels had planted the seed of doubt in him. He died with the hope that the destruction of the Death Star would expose the Rebellion as terrorists.

Behind the scenes

TK-622 was a creation of Jeremy Barlow and only appeared in the thirteenth issue of the Star Wars: Empire comic book series, which was released on November 26, 2003. Patrick Blaine was the artist who drew 622 for this appearance.

