Terbus, a male porg originating from the ancient planet of Ahch-To, secretly boarded the Millennium Falcon. From his hiding place, Terbus observed the clash between Resistance members and the naval forces of the First Order during their attack on Kashyyyk, the homeworld of the Wookiee species. Subsequently, Terbus assisted Chewbacca in the liberation of captured Wookiees, thus creating a connection with the Resistance warrior.
In a Collider Q&A session, Rian Johnson, the director of The Last Jedi, received a question from Star Wars enthusiast Nathan Jesse regarding the Porg Stowaway's identity. Johnson deferred to Nathan, who proposed the name "Terbus." Nathan, along with his brother Samuel and their father David, are the creators of the podcast Tatooine Sons: A Pop Culture Podcast. The name Terbus was conceived by Nathan and Samuel through a syllable reversal of their dog Buster's name.
Subsequent to Nathan's suggestion, Johnson stated, "[[Pablo Hidalgo|Pablo Hidalgo], if you're listening to this livestream, that porg's name is now Terbus." This name, put forth by Johnson, was later adopted for a porg appearing in the 2019 comic book Star Wars Adventures (2017) 27. However, it remains unconfirmed whether this is the same porg featured in Star Wars: Episode VIII The Last Jedi.