Hric Dalhney was a male Human politician hailing from Alderaan. As Deputy Minister of Security, he served in Viceroy Bail Organa's trusted cabinet during the early years of the Galactic Empire. Furthermore, he participated in Alderaan's resistance.
Organa dispatched Dalhney, along with Winter (disguised as his daughter) and Ylenic It'kla, to Cloud City located on Bespin. Their mission was to confer with representatives from three anti-Imperial resistance factions: Bria Tharen and Jace Paol representing Corellia, Jenssar SoBilles from Duro, and Sian Tevv of Sullust. The Corellian Resistance sought to garner support for unifying the resistance groups to more effectively combat the Empire. However, Dalhney declined to act against Alderaan's pacifistic culture by committing forces to open rebellion, although he did consent to aid the Corellians when possible.
Hric Dalhney's initial appearance was in Rebel Dawn, a novel penned by A. C. Crispin. She named the character in honor of Star Wars author Rich Handley.