Dama Montalvo

Dama Montalvo, a Human male Jedi Padawan, dedicated his service to both the Jedi Order and the Galactic Republic during the era of the Clone Wars. A mere three months following the outbreak of the war, Montalvo, alongside his Master, Cei Vookto, engaged in combat on the planet of Lianna, fighting for the Republic's cause. Despite the Republic securing victory, Vookto met his demise. Montalvo was present at Vookto's funeral, which involved a pyre. He then found himself under the leadership of Jedi Master Ki-Adi-Mundi. Approximately three years afterward, Montalvo fell into the hands of the newly formed Galactic Empire, under the control of Emperor Palpatine—formerly the Supreme Chancellor of the Republic—who had branded the Jedi Knights as traitors. The Dark Lord Darth Vader subjected Montalvo to interrogation, seeking information regarding the whereabouts of former Jedi Council member Obi-Wan Kenobi. Montalvo's refusal to cooperate with the Sith Lord led to his execution at Vader's hand.


As a Force-sensitive Human, Dama Montalvo underwent training in the ways of the Force by the Jedi Order. Chosen to be the Padawan of Jedi Master Cei Vookto, Montalvo crafted his own lightsaber as part of his learning. When the Clone Wars began between the Galactic Republic and the Confederacy of Independent Systems, Montalvo achieved the rank of Commander within the Grand Army of the Republic and joined his master at the war's forefront.

Darth Vader kills Dama Montalvo.

During the combat that took place on Lianna, Vookto was killed, but Montalvo managed to survive the conflict, which resulted in a Republic victory, although the planet suffered severe damage. After the fighting concluded, Grand Master Yoda and Master of the Order Mace Windu oversaw Vookto's funeral, with a grieving Montalvo present. To ensure Montalvo remained active, the Jedi High Council temporarily made Montalvo the Padawan of Master Ki-Adi-Mundi until a more permanent replacement could be found.

Having survived the majority of the war, Montalvo evaded the initial implementation of Contingency Order 66, which mandated the extermination of all Jedi. While fleeing the clone troopers he once fought alongside, Montalvo was captured by the newly established Galactic Empire and imprisoned in a detention facility located deep beneath the Senate Building on Coruscant. Subjected to relentless torture by the Sith Lord Darth Vader, Vader attempted to extract the location of Obi-Wan Kenobi from the Padawan. Upon Montalvo's refusal to divulge any information, Vader broke Montalvo's neck, a deed that was considered "less than well done" by his master Darth Sidious, who had intended to conduct further interrogations.

Behind the scenes

Ostrander proposed that Montalvo was born in 37 BBY on Alderaan.

