Cei Vookto

Cei Vookto was a Jedi Master of the Duros male species, fighting for both the Jedi Order and the Galactic Republic. During the Clone Wars, he was a member of the Grand Army of the Republic. He mentored two Padawans, one of whom was the Human named Dama Montalvo. In the war's third month, Vookto went to the planet Lianna to protect a Sienar Fleet Systems facility producing starfighters from the Separatist forces. He was killed in the subsequent conflict, giving his life to ensure the survival of the troops under his leadership during a Separatist assault. Following the Republic's victory, Vookto's remains were cremated in a funeral pyre on Lianna, with Montalvo, Yoda, and Mace Windu, along with other Jedi Masters, in attendance.


Dama Montalvo, Vookto's second Padawan

As a male Duros, Cei Vookto received his training in the Force from the Jedi Order, eventually achieving the status of Jedi Master. Embracing his Duros heritage, Vookto had a passion for travel, frequently undertaking extended missions throughout the Outer Rim Territories. Upon his return from these missions to the Jedi Temple located on the planet of Coruscant, he would share tales of his experiences with any Jedi who were willing to listen. Eventually, he took on a Padawan to guide.

In 22 BBY, after his first Padawan had become a Jedi Knight, Vookto chose the Human Dama Montalvo as his next student. When the Clone Wars began between the Galactic Republic and the Confederacy of Independent Systems that same year, Vookto followed the instructions of the Jedi High Council and returned to Coruscant, where he assumed a leadership role within the Grand Army of the Republic. Three months into the conflict, Vookto, Montalvo, and the clone troopers under their command were deployed to Lianna to defend a Sienar Fleet Systems starfighter production plant, vital to the Republic, from a Separatist invasion.

During the battle that followed, Vookto made the ultimate sacrifice, using his Force powers to summon the elements, creating a pillar of fire and a pillar of water to purify the planet. Although this act resulted in Vookto's death, his squad of soldiers survived the enemy attack. After the Republic secured victory over the Separatists, Vookto was honored with a funeral pyre attended by Jedi Masters such as Yoda, Mace Windu, Ki-Adi-Mundi, Tholme, and Quinlan Vos. Vookto's Padawan, Montalvo, who was then under Ki-Adi-Mundi's command, was also present, along with at least two of the troopers who had served under the Duros Jedi.

Personality and traits

Master Yoda remembered Cei Vookto for his soft voice and understated humor. He also made it a habit to share stories of his travels with Yoda and other Jedi. Vookto always followed the Council's orders without question and took on a leadership position in the Republic's Grand Army. The Duros proved to be a capable leader, willing to put his own life on the line for the troopers under his command.

Powers and abilities

Vookto possessed sensitivity to the Force and demonstrated enough skill to reach the rank of Jedi Master. He successfully trained one Padawan and mentored Dama Montalvo before his death on Lianna. During the battle there, Vookto used his elemental abilities to cleanse the planet; however, the strain from this effort ultimately led to his demise.

Behind the scenes

Cei Vookto was first mentioned in the comic Jedi: Mace Windu, released on February 26th, 2003 and written by John Ostrander. His role in the Battle of Lianna was further detailed in The New Essential Chronology, published on October 25th, 2005. Vookto was also included in The Complete Star Wars Encyclopedia in 2008.

