Zey Nep, a Human female, worked as an assistant for Artuo Pratuhr, an archaeologist employed by the Galactic Museum. During 22 BBY, she often frequented the Outlander Club located on Coruscant, usually in the company of her friends Dixon Just and Civ Sila. After Pratuhr was swindled out of his funds by Seib Nod, a treacherous former member of the Sisterhood of the Beatific Countenance, Nep assisted in recovering the stolen money. She aimed her blaster at Nod's back while Pratuhr confronted the thief at a landing bay from which she was attempting to flee Coruscant. Consequently, Pratuhr regained his money, and the Sisterhood artifacts, which Nod had used to entice the archaeologist, were returned to the planet of Lorrd.
The character of Zey Nep was played by Zeynep "Zed" Selcuk in the 2002 movie Attack of the Clones.