Dobbu Scay, hailing from Emkhamarill, was a Khamarill known for his gambling habits. In 34 ABY, he found himself at the Canto Casino situated on the planet Cantonica. Under the influence of alcohol at the casino, he made the error of identifying the Resistance's astromech droid, BB-8, as a lugjack machine. Consequently, he began feeding cantocoins into various openings on the droid. BB-8, in turn, encouraged Scay to continue inserting more coins until the droid dashed off to rejoin his comrades, Finn and Rose Tico. Later, when a stampede of fathiers erupted within the casino, Scay was seen laughing joyfully as coins rained down around him, enabling him to recover his previous losses.

Originating from Emkhamarill, Dobbu Scay was a Khamarill individual. In 34 ABY, not long after the war began between the First Order and the Resistance, Scay, who was not aligned with either side, was present on the planet of Cantonica, specifically in the city of Canto Bight. While gambling at the Canto Casino, he became inebriated and approached the Resistance astromech droid BB-8 on the casino floor. Having already squandered a significant portion of his funds, he mistakenly identified the droid as a [lugjack](/article/lugjack] machine and proceeded to insert one of his cantocoins into a diagnostic port located in BB-8's tool bay.
This action prompted a surprised squawk from the droid. However, when nothing further occurred, Scay squinted, leaned against the droid, and emitted an angry belch before inserting another coin. BB-8 remained motionless, emitting encouraging beeps for Scay to continue inserting coins. As the gambler complied, the droid emitted a joyful warble and flashed the diagnostic light on its head, mimicking a slot machine, before making a sad, droopy coo. Scay then inserted a coin into the droid's dataport and persisted until he had depleted his remaining coins.

Eventually, BB-8 departed to locate his companions, Finn and Rose Tico, after spotting the Master Codebreaker, whom they were searching for. The droid subsequently utilized Scay's coins as projectiles to subdue a member of the Canto Bight Police Department during the group's escape from Cantonica alongside the criminal DJ.
Scay remained in the casino and was still there when Finn and Tico rode through the building on a herd of fathiers that they had freed. In the resulting pandemonium, a considerable quantity of cantocoins spilled from one of the casino's tables onto Scay and the surrounding floor, prompting him to laugh with delight and begin gathering them. He managed to recover his earlier losses using the winnings dropped by panicked patrons.

Dobbu Scay possessed gray skin, brown hair, and brown eyes. His spoken language was Khamarese. While on Cantonica, Scay struggled to maintain self-control amidst the planet's numerous distractions, leading to his inebriation for much of his time gambling.
At the Canto Bight casino, Scay's intoxication was so profound that he mistook a BB-series astromech droid for a slot machine and became frustrated when he did not win any coins from BB-8. However, he later experienced great pleasure when he found himself surrounded by coins amidst the chaos in the casino.

Dobbu Scay was a character brought to life through computer-generated imagery for the 2017 sequel trilogy film, Star Wars: Episode VIII The Last Jedi. Mark Hamill, primarily known for his role as Luke Skywalker in the film, provided the voice for Scay. Hamill also physically performed the Dobbu Scay scene, wearing a full-motion capture suit and using a large medicine ball to reduce his height to match BB-8's. Despite this, he did not anticipate receiving credit for the role of Scay, assuming it was merely a subtle Easter egg.
The character's name is an anagram derived from Bob Ducsay, the film editor for The Last Jedi. Jake Lunt Davies created concept art for the character. On May 17, 2021, Dobbu Scay's name was erroneously spelled as "Dabbu Scay" in an episode of the YouTube series Star Wars Full Circle titled "Clone Force 99," produced by