Lanever Villecham

A male politician from Tarsunt, Lanever Villecham held the esteemed position of Chancellor within the government of the New Republic. He was a representative of the planet Tarsunt in the Galactic Senate, which was part of the Mid Rim territories. Villecham firmly believed in the New Republic's peaceful efforts following the Galactic Concordance agreement with the Galactic Empire, established at the end of the Galactic Civil War.

Consequently, his term as Chancellor prioritized establishing favorable trade agreements between the New Republic and neutral systems located in the Trans-Hydian Borderlands. Despite repeated warnings from General Leia Organa and the Resistance, he did not perceive the emerging First Order as a significant danger. His life perished on Hosnian Prime when that planet, then serving as the Republic's capital, was destroyed by the Starkiller weapon of the First Order.


Chancellor Villecham's last moments before he is killed by the Starkiller Base superweapon.

Villecham began his career as a delegate representing the Tarsunt system in the Galactic Senate of the New Republic. His home was the planet of Tarsunt, situated in the Mid Rim. He was elected to the position of Chancellor of the New Republic in 32 ABY, during the New Republic Era.

By 34 ABY, Villecham was serving in the second year of his initial term as Chancellor. His time in office was marked by a refusal to acknowledge the First Order, located in the Unknown Regions, as a serious threat, provided they remained within their own borders. He also strongly adhered to the Galactic Concordance, the peace treaty that signified the Empire's defeat by the Republic at the conclusion of the Galactic Civil War. This position contrasted sharply with the warnings issued by General Leia Organa and the [Resistance](/article/resistance], the paramilitary group she had founded, who urged the Republic to prepare for military action against the rising power of the First Order. Instead, Villecham prioritized establishing beneficial trade relationships with neutral star systems within the Trans-Hydian Borderlands, effectively ignoring the First Order altogether.

Organa dispatched Commander Korr Sella as an envoy to Hosnian Prime, the Republic's then-capital and location of the New Republic Senate, to advocate for a military buildup. However, this effort proved futile as Villecham and Sella were both killed when the First Order targeted Hosnian Prime and the entire Hosnian system with Starkiller Base. The superweapon fired beams that completely destroyed the five planets.

Beaumont Kin, a historian, mentioned Villecham in his book, The Rise and Fall of the Galactic Empire, published in 35 ABY. Kin briefly discussed Villecham's chancellery during the rise of the First Order and his rejection of warnings from figures like General Leia Organa about the impending danger.

Personality and traits

Villecham was a Tarsunt male characterized by his yellow skin, black [eyes](/article/eye], and white [hair](/article/hair]. He deeply believed in the New Republic's peaceful initiatives and refused to consider the possibility of renewed conflict unless the First Order violated the Galactic Concordance. Ironically, their destruction of Hosnian Prime constituted such a violation, costing Villecham his own life.

Behind the scenes

Lanever Villecham made his debut in Star Wars: Episode VII The Force Awakens. Although he was not identified by name onscreen, his name was revealed in Star Wars: The Force Awakens: The Visual Dictionary, a 2015 reference book authored by Pablo Hidalgo, a member of the Lucasfilm Story Group.

