Korr Sella

Korr Sella, who was also affectionately called Korrie, was a female human serving as a military officer. Specifically, she held the rank of commander within the Resistance's naval forces during their Cold War conflict against the First Order. Functioning as an envoy for General Leia Organa to the New Republic, Sella's primary duty was to convey the general's warnings concerning the First Order's actions. These warnings, unfortunately, were largely ignored by the New Republic Senate. Tragically, Sella's life came to an end on Hosnian Prime, the Republic's capital, while she was there to deliver one such warning. The planet was destroyed by the First Order's Starkiller Base superweapon, resulting in the death of Sella and the entire population of Hosnian Prime.


New Republic

Service Under Senator Organa

Korr Sella

Born in 12 ABY, Sella was the daughter of Sondiv Sella and another politician within the New Republic. At the age of sixteen, in 28 ABY, Sella followed her parents' path into public service. She began working for Senator Leia Organa at the Galactic Senate located on the galactic capital, Hosnian Prime. Her responsibilities included preparing review holos to aid the senator in identifying delegates at official gatherings. Organa, her employer, was affiliated with the Populists, a Senate faction advocating for a decentralized New Republic. This group often clashed with the Centrists, who favored a more centralized government and a stronger military.

Following a memorial ceremony for Senator Bail Organa, Sella suggested that Leia accept an invitation from the Centrist Senator Bevicard to a reception on Coruscant, hoping to foster goodwill between the two factions. Organa responded that the invitation was merely a formality and that Bevicard would be dismayed if she actually accepted. When Sella inquired about the true extent of the divide between the factions, Leia confirmed its significance. Sella and another staff member, Greer Sonnel, witnessed Leia expressing her desire to leave the Senate due to her frustrations.

Later, Sella joined Leia Organa, Greer Sonnel, pilot Joph Seastriker, and Centrist Senator Ransolm Casterfo on a senatorial mission to investigate the Nikto crime lord Rinnrivin Di's cartel on Bastatha. They traveled aboard Leia's starship, the Mirrorbright. During the journey, Casterfo attempted to engage Sella in conversation, but she excused herself by claiming she needed to review her work. While visiting a casino on Bastatha, Sella practiced the diplomatic skills Sonnel had taught her. When Leia played cards with the local Niktos, Sella offered to keep track of her winnings and losses, but Organa suggested she simply enjoy her drink.

After Casterfo rescued Leia from Rinnrivin's underground headquarters, Sella conducted a preliminary data analysis of the crime lord's droids and found that he was funneling profits from gambling and smuggling into shell corporations on various Outer Rim planets. Upon Leia's return to Hosnian Prime, Sella, along with C-3PO and Sonnel, encouraged Organa to accept the nomination for First Senator, a position proposed by the Centrists to break the New Republic's political deadlock. Although the Populists initially opposed the idea, they decided to nominate one of their own to prevent a Centrist from holding the office.

Political maneuvering

A few days afterward, Sella offered Senator Organa a cushion to relax after a busy day of meetings with various individuals, including the head of the Association of Small Craft Manufacturers, ore traders from Gad, and several junior senators from Populist worlds in the Outer Rim. Leia declined, not wanting to fall asleep in her office. Soon after, Centrist Senator Lady Carise Sindian arrived to obtain a document transferring the Supreme governorship of Birren to her, as Leia had no interest in the position. While on Birren, Lady Carise discovered information about Leia's lineage as the daughter of Darth Vader. Unbeknownst to others, Lady Carise was secretly working for the First Order, a remnant of the Empire, and was actively undermining the New Republic.

Later, Sella survived a bomb attack that devastated half of the Senatorial conference building. Though unharmed, Sella was shaken by the event. She located her friend Greer Sonnel, who had also escaped the bombing, and together they found Leia after receiving treatment from a medical droid. In the aftermath of the "Napkin Bombing," Sella accompanied Leia, Seastriker, and C-3PO on a mission to Ryloth to search the planet's archives for information about Rinnrivin's cartel. After three hours, Sella remarked on the fact that everything in the archives was written on paper. She also discovered that Rinnrivin had started as a low-level spice dealer before rising to become a major crime lord in the past seven years. Based on the records, Sella suggested that Rinnrivin was channeling funds to Centrist worlds and that the Centrists might be funding him as well.

Following their visit to the archives, Sella, Seastriker, and C-3PO took the Mirrorbright for a flight over Ryloth while Leia attended a reception hosted by her former comrade Emissary Yendor. While Leia was away, Sella and her companions received information from Casterfo that Rinnrivin had secret relay satellites orbiting Ryloth. After C-3PO sliced into one of the satellites, they discovered that Rinnrivin was hiding on the Expansion Region world of Sibensko, which also served as the headquarters for a paramilitary group known as the Amaxine warriors. Seastriker and Casterfo had determined that the Amaxines were collaborating with Rinnrivin's cartel. Although Leia was initially displeased that her subordinates had acted without consulting her, she was relieved to learn of Rinnrivin's location. Sella later accompanied Leia and her team to the planet Harloff Minor for a clandestine meeting with Rinnrivin.

The Gathering Storm

As they approached Hosnian Prime, Sella reviewed Leia's communications, which included messages from her colleagues Senator Tai-Lin Garr and Varish Vichly. They also read news reports about the Centrists and Populists blaming each other for the Napkin Bombing. They also received word from Casterfo about his investigation on Daxam IV, which had taken a "dramatic leap forward." After processing the news, Sella and Seastriker asked Senator Organa if the New Republic was on the verge of collapse. Leia replied that the internal conflict between the two factions could lead to a split unless the situation improved.

Later, Sella was deeply disturbed and angered by the public revelation of Leia's true parentage as the daughter of Darth Vader, the notorious Imperial enforcer. This revelation damaged Leia's reputation and forced her to withdraw her nomination for First Senator. After Leia returned to her senatorial office to escape the public outcry, a tearful Sella confronted her employer and resigned from her position. She criticized Organa for keeping this information from her and her staff. As a final act of disapproval, she expressed her displeasure at Leia calling her by her childhood nickname, "Korrie."

Ten days after Leia's speech to the Galactic Senate about her mission to Sibensko, Sella encountered Leia while she was accompanying the Populist Senator Tai-Lin Garr during his campaign for First Senator. Sella apologized for abandoning Organa in anger and expressed her admiration for the Senator. She offered to work for Leia again, which Leia gratefully accepted.


Sella attempts to convince the New Republic of the threat posed by the First Order.

When Organa resigned from the Galactic Senate and established the Resistance, a New Republic-aligned paramilitary group, to oppose the First Order's actions, Sella joined her and continued to serve General Organa. Because Organa, having foreseen the threat posed by the First Order to the New Republic, had been labeled a warmonger and her reputation tarnished by the Senate, she utilized Sella as an intermediary between the Resistance and the New Republic. The Republic was under the impression that the First Order would not be a threat as long as they adhered to the Galactic Concordance, which was signed almost three decades prior by the Republic and the Galactic Empire at the conclusion of the Galactic Civil War. However, the Resistance discovered that the First Order intended to destroy the Republic. Organa frequently dispatched Sella to advocate for direct Republic intervention against the First Order, even though the Resistance was not officially sanctioned by the Republic and only received limited support.

Korr Sella moments before she is killed by Starkiller Base's planet-shattering beam.

As the situation worsened and the First Order prepared to use its superweapon, Starkiller Base, against the Republic's capital in the Hosnian system, Organa sent Sella to the capital world of Hosnian Prime to once again argue for Republic action. Sella questioned whether the Senate would listen, and Organa admitted that she was unsure. She noted that there was a time when the Senate would have been receptive, but the political landscape had changed since the New Republic's inception. Although Sella agreed to go, she asked why the general wasn't going herself. Organa replied that even if she could address the Senate, certain members of the government would ensure that she didn't leave Hosnian Prime alive. Sella departed with Organa's confidence that she would successfully deliver her warnings to the Senate.

While Sella was on Hosnian Prime, Starkiller Base targeted the system and fired its phantom energy beam. Sella stood with Chancellor Lanever Villecham and members of the Senate, watching in horror as the Starkiller superweapon struck Hosnian Prime, destroying the planet and killing Sella, the government officials, and everyone else on the planet. Resistance forces later destroyed the weapon, preventing it from ever destroying another planet.

Personality and characteristics

Korr Sella was a human female characterized by her black hair, brown [eyes](/article/eye], and dark skin. She typically wore a Resistance command uniform. Her demeanor projected authority, and she favored a direct, no-nonsense approach. As a young woman, Sella was idealistic and held Leia Organa in high regard, admiring the former rebel soldier and New Republic senator. Sella was a dedicated office intern who took her responsibilities seriously and went above and beyond to assist the senator. During her time as an intern, she developed a friendship with Leia's personal pilot, Greer Sonnel, who taught her diplomatic skills. In informal settings, Sella preferred to be called by her childhood nickname, "Korrie," by friends like Senator Organa and Sonnel.

Sella was deeply dismayed upon learning that Leia was the daughter of Darth Vader, the infamous Imperial enforcer. Angered by what she perceived as Leia's deceit and lack of transparency, she resigned in protest. However, Sella reconsidered her actions after Leia's investigation uncovered a conspiracy involving Rinnrivin's cartel and the Amaxine warriors. Sella later reconciled with Senator Organa and offered to serve her again. Leia graciously accepted the younger woman's offer and subsequently assigned her to serve as the Resistance's envoy to the New Republic.

Behind the scenes

Korr Sella made a brief appearance in the 2015 film Star Wars: Episode VII The Force Awakens, the initial installment of the Star Wars sequel trilogy. She was played by Maisie Richardson-Sellers.

A scene depicting Leia Organa tasking Sella with informing the Galactic Senate about the First Order's threat was deleted from the final cut. Writer Michael Arndt and director J.J. Abrams decided that Leia's reintroduction would be more impactful through Han Solo's perspective later on Takodana. However, Abrams later felt that the Hosnian Cataclysm sequence would have been more emotionally resonant if Sella's scene had been included. Nonetheless, the scene was included in Alan Dean Foster's novelization.

Further details about the character were provided in Star Wars: The Force Awakens: The Visual Dictionary, which elaborated on her role within the Resistance.

