
In the year 28 ABY, Bevicard held the position of senator representing the New Republic within the Galactic Senate. Around this time, he was honored with a reception on the planet of Coruscant, and an invite was extended to Senator Leia Organa. Organa, being aware that Bevicard belonged to the Centrists faction in the Senate, understood that the invitation was merely a formality, given her own affiliation with the rival Populists. She also believed that her actual presence at the event would cause him significant embarrassment. Therefore, Organa instructed her assistant, Greer Sonnel, to dispatch a particularly polite decline the day following the invitation's arrival, as she respected Bevicard's forthrightness, even though she likened him to a snake.

Behind the scenes

The character of Bevicard initially appeared in the novel Bloodline, penned by Claudia Gray and published in 2016.

