Greer Sonnel

Greer Sonnel, a human female pilot, served as the personal assistant to Senator Leia Organa. Known as a racer, Sonnel piloted the Ossifrage, a purple RZ-1 A-wing interceptor. Her racing career was cut short after she was diagnosed with bloodburn, a rare disease.

Later, in the year 28 ABY, Sonnel became the chief of staff for Senator Leia Organa. Alongside Senator Ransolm Casterfo, X-wing pilot Joph Seastriker, and senatorial staffer Korr Sella, she joined the senator on several investigations into Rinnrivin Di's crime cartel and the Amaxine warriors.


The Gauntlet

Greer Sonnel races in the Gauntlet.

Born on the planet Pamarthe, Greer Sonnel, like many people from that world, became a starfighter pilot. She participated in numerous races across the galaxy. In 21 ABY, she competed in The Gauntlet, a race that included fellow Pamarthens Bors, Torret, Vee, and her former partner, Karsted. Han Solo sponsored this notoriously dangerous and mysterious race. The course, known as The Evil Eye, required racers to navigate through ten eyes, with their score determined by the number of eyes they successfully passed. Sonnel's modified RZ-1 A-wing interceptor, the Ossifrage, was a purple ship previously used by the Alliance to Restore the Republic.

At the start of the race, Sonnel quickly took the lead, leaving the other racers behind. She activated her comlink to communicate with the other racers. She began talking to an unfamiliar man, and they discussed each other's piloting skills throughout the race. Suddenly, the Ossifrage began to shake, and its instrument panel flashed erratically. Karsted had damaged her ship by blocking its thruster. The man she was talking to offered a solution: power down the ship for ten seconds, then restart with the throttle on hot and the right stabilizer maximized. To her surprise, this worked, and the ship continued flying. As she approached the final stretch, it was announced that double points would be awarded if two ships passed through the last eye simultaneously. Sonnel and her new friend worked together, successfully finishing and winning the race. As they crossed the finish line, the man revealed himself as the legendary Han Solo and recruited her for his team in the Five Sabers tournament.

New Republic service

Working for Senator Organa

In 25 ABY, Sonnel received a diagnosis of bloodburn syndrome, a disease causing severe fevers. With no cure available, Sonnel needed to take hadeira serum and avoid stressful activities like racing. Bloodburn forced Sonnel to end her racing career, leading her to become chief of staff for New Republic Senator Leia Organa at the senatorial complex on Hosnian Prime. Her duties included managing Organa's schedule and piloting the Senator's personal transport, Mirrorbright. Sonnel also assisted Organa's husband, Han Solo, in installing weapons on the ship. During her time working for Organa, Sonnel became friends with Korr Sella, another senatorial staff member, whom they affectionately called Korrie. Sonnel's tenure at the Galactic Senate coincided with growing tensions between the Populists, who wanted individual member worlds to maintain autonomy, and the Centrists, who favored a centralized government and a strong military.

Mission to Bastatha

After a dedication ceremony honoring Organa's adoptive father, Senator Bail Organa, Sonnel informed Organa, a prominent Populist, that the Centrist Senator Bevicard had invited her to a reception in Coruscant. In the presence of Sonnel and Korrie, Organa explained that politics made it inappropriate for her to accept the invitation. After Organa and the Centrist Senator Ransolm Casterfo accepted a senatorial mission to investigate the Nikto crime lord Rinnrivin Di's cartel on Bastatha, Organa discussed her travel plans with Sonnel, confirming that Casterfo would accompany them.

Before leaving on the Mirrorbright, Sonnel greeted New Republic pilot Joph Seastriker, who was assigned to escort the Mirrorbright to Bastatha. Seastriker was immediately attracted to Sonnel, and they talked before departing the New Republic senate hangar. During the journey, Sonnel piloted the Mirrorbright. Casterfo tried to engage Sonnel and Kor Sella in conversation but struggled due to their philosophical differences. During their visit to Bastatha, Sonnel remained on the ship while Organa, Casterfo, Korr, and C-3PO attended a function at a casino hosted by the Nikto Magistrates Tosta and Xun.

Following a political argument between Organa and Casterfo, Seastriker told Sonnel about the details of the argument, including Organa calling Casterfo a "spoiled brat" for criticizing the Rebellion. Later, Organa informed Sonnel and the others about an upcoming meeting with Bastathan business leaders. This delegation turned out to be a group of gangsters sent by Rinnrivin, who kidnapped Organa for a secret meeting with the crime lord. Rinnrivin attempted to bribe the senator into easing the Republic's restrictions on the spice trade. However, Casterfo rescued Organa, and they escaped Rinnrivin's headquarters. Despite Rinnrivin's escape, Organa's team discovered information in the crime lord's computers that showed the cartel's money was being funneled into shadow corporations in the Outer Rim Territories. Based on this information, Organa and Casterfo decided to continue their investigation into Rinnrivin's syndicate.

Discovering the Amaxine warriors

After the mission to Bastatha, Sonnel, along with Korrie and C-3PO, urged Senator Organa to consider running for the proposed position of First Senator, which would have significant power over the New Republic military and economy. The Centrists had proposed this motion to break the deadlock in the Galactic Senate. Although disillusioned with politics, Organa reluctantly agreed to an exploratory committee to assess her suitability for the job. Sonnel and C-3PO had secretly come up with the idea of the exploratory committee to encourage Organa to consider the position. Sonnel believed that Organa as First Senator would have more power over the Rinnrivin investigation.

Later, Senator Organa dispatched Sonnel and Seastriker on a secret mission to investigate whether Rinnrivin was hiring pilots from Sonnel's homeworld, Pamarthe, which was known for having some of the best pilots in the galaxy. Upon arriving on Pamarthe, Sonnel and Seastriker landed on a bridge overlooking the ocean. While talking about the Five Sabers with a local tavern keeper and an elderly pilot, they posed as pilots looking for work. They learned that a paramilitary faction on the nearby planet of Daxam IV, called the Amaxine warriors, was dominating the local cargo shipping. After learning this, the two pilots shared a drink. When Seastriker asked Sonnel about the secrecy of their mission, Sonnel explained that Organa had sent them to circumvent a Senate rule forbidding senators from engaging in espionage. While their trip to Bastatha had been sanctioned by the Senate, their mission to Pamarthe was not, hence the need for secrecy.

After returning to Hosnian Prime, Sonnel and Seastriker met with Organa aboard the Mirrorbright to discuss their secret mission. Sonnel reported that the Amaxines were running a smuggling trade around Daxam IV. Organa explained that the Amaxine Warriors were a warrior culture that had left the galaxy during the time of the Old Republic. While noting that the Amaxines were believed to be extinct, Sonnel displayed a holo-map showing reports of Amaxine activities on Daxam IV and other predominantly Centrist worlds. Based on these findings, Sonnel and her team speculated that certain Centrist senators were colluding with the Amaxines. Sonnel was pleased when Organa decided to ask for Casterfo's help in investigating the Centrist connections to the Amaxine Warriors.

The Napkin Bombing

Several days later, Sonnel and Korrie were walking through the Senate grounds when a bomb damaged the nearby Senatorial conference building. Sonnel suffered a mild concussion and a broken fingernail. Korrie was unharmed but frightened, leading Sonnel to comfort her. Sonnel witnessed several wounded senators and staff being evacuated. They found Organa, who had discovered a message warning of the bombing and had ordered an evacuation, saving many lives. Following the Napkin Bombing, Sonnel asked Organa who would want to destroy the building. Organa responded that it was an attack on the Galactic Senate.

After the bombing, Sonnel received serum injections and had her hand treated with bacta to regrow her fingernail. Due to their moderate wounds, Sonnel and her companions were allowed to leave the medcenter by Dr Harter Kalonia. In the following days, both the Centrists and Populists accused each other of staging the bombing for political gain. After footage of a Twi'lek mercenary emerged, Organa and her staff decided to travel to Ryloth to investigate whether Rinnrivin was involved. She also sent Sonnel to accompany Casterfo on a mission to Daxam IV to investigate the Amaxines. Casterfo had arranged to buy an Imperial artifact from a local dealer there and used the trip as a cover for his investigation.

Mission to Daxam IV

Although Organa told Casterfo that she had assigned Sonnel as backup, not as a sign of mistrust, Sonnel was initially uncomfortable with the Centrist senator. For the journey, Casterfo rented a Jeconne courier. During the trip, Casterfo asked Sonnel about her previous career as a professional pilot on the Crystal Cairn team before her abrupt resignation three years ago. Wanting to hide her bloodburn diagnosis, Sonnel downplayed her achievements, claiming that two years as a Crystal Cairns pilot did not make her elite.

After exiting hyperspace, Sonnel discussed the details of their mission. Casterfo explained that he was buying the helmet of an Emperor's Royal Guard from a mysterious dealer named Crimson Blade. As a cover story, they agreed that Sonnel would pretend to be Casterfo's personal pilot, hired from under Organa's nose two weeks prior. Upon landing on Daxam IV, Sonnel and Casterfo noted the planet's impoverished state and questioned where Rinnrivin's money was actually going. They then traveled to a teahouse where Casterfo had arranged to meet Crimson Blade.

The dealer turned out to be Arliz Hadrassian, a woman Casterfo and Organa had encountered earlier on Bastatha. While Casterfo gained Hadrassian's trust, Sonnel waited on a wooden stool near the counter. After Casterfo convinced her of his Imperial sympathies, Hadrassian informed him that she had been a former TIE fighter pilot and that the helmet had belonged to her brother, a Royal Guard, who had died during the Battle of Jakku. Satisfied, Hadrassian arranged for Casterfo to visit her compound the following day to complete the transaction. Later that night, Sonnel took the Jeconne courier for a flight over Daxam IV and discovered that the Amaxines were a well-equipped militia with at least six sizable starfighter squadrons practicing maneuvers over the planet's atmosphere.

The following day, Sonnel stayed with the ship while Casterfo traveled on a rented Speeder bike to collect the helmet from Hadrassian, who had requested that Casterfo come alone for privacy. While Sonnel was uncomfortable, she agreed to trust Casterfo's ability to protect himself. However, she remained on standby to evacuate him if necessary. Before departing, Sonnel linked the speeder bike's holocam to the courier's comm systems to monitor Casterfo and the Amaxines. After purchasing the helmet, Casterfo returned to Sonnel and the courier safely. He informed Sonnel that the Amaxines had at least fifty starfighters and a thousand warriors based on Daxam IV. In addition, the Amaxines had at least six other bases, including a headquarters on the watery Expansion Region world of Sibensko. Due to their mission, Sonnel came to trust and respect Casterfo and complimented his combat skills.


After Organa and Casterfo returned to Hosnian Prime, the two senators made arrangements for a secret mission to Sibensko. Since New Republic officials were prohibited from engaging in undercover work, Organa planned for her team to travel disguised as smugglers. Under Organa's instructions, Sonnel and Seastriker traveled to the seedy space station of Chrome Citadel disguised as smugglers. At a cantina, they accepted a discreet job to transport material from Daxam IV to Sibensko. During their trip to Chrome Citadel, Sonnel and Seastriker became friends.

Later, the two pilots met with Organa and Casterfo to discuss the details of their mission. Their trip to Daxam IV was scheduled for the following week. Organa provided Sonnel and Seastriker with various disguises, including an Ubese bounty hunter's mask. Casterfo also theorized that Rinnrivin and Hadrassian had a source in the Galactic Senate, whom Sonnel speculated was a Centrist. Before leaving, Sonnel took C-3PO for an oil bath. The joint investigatory mission suffered a blow when Lady Carise Sindian, another prominent Centrist senator, learned about Organa's true parentage as the daughter of Darth Vader. Knowing Casterfo's hatred for Vader, Sindian informed the young senator. Feeling betrayed, Casterfo upstaged Organa's hearing on her suitability for First Senator by revealing her parentage as Vader's daughter. This created a political firestorm that destroyed Organa's political career and reputation.

Sonnel remained loyal to Leia after her parentage was revealed.

Following the scandal, Sonnel and C-3PO remained loyal to Organa, preventing a crowd from entering her office. However, Korrie resigned in protest of Organa's perceived dishonesty. Sonnel later allowed Organa's Populist friend, Senator Tai-Lin Garr, to enter the room and comfort her. Sonnel also made a requisition order for the keepsake chest and the music box that Casterfo had used during the Senate hearing. That night, Sonnel researched Organa's family history and discovered that Organa's father, Anakin Skywalker, had been a Jedi Knight and Padmé Amidala's husband before becoming Darth Vader. Sonnel discussed her findings with Seastriker, and they decided to reaffirm their loyalty to Organa. After discussing their investigation into Rinnrivin and the Amaxines with Organa, they agreed to wait until Organa had obtained leave from the Senate.

Shortly thereafter, Sonnel visited the medcenter for another dose of Hadeira serum. A 2-1B surgical droid informed her that her use of the drug exceeded suggested limits. Due to the recent stress of Casterfo's revelations, Sonnel had begun to experience symptoms of bloodburn, including spasms in her leg muscles. Despite the injection, Sonnel experienced a bloodburn attack while making preparations with Organa, Seastriker, and C-3PO for their Sibensko trip. Seastriker caught her before she fell and took her to Dr. Kalonia. Sonnel survived due to prompt medical attention. While recovering, Seastriker expressed his love for Sonnel and comforted her.

Mission to Sibensko

After Organa obtained leave from the Senate, Sonnel and her companions traveled to Sibensko on a junker ship. For the mission, Sonnel wore a gray and black suit of Mandalorian armor, while Seastriker wore an Ubese bounty hunter's mask. Organa pretended to be their indentured servant, and C-3PO pretended to be Organa's minder. Upon arriving at Sibensko, Sonnel and Seastriker met an Amaxine warrior named Padric, who revealed that they were transporting thousands of thermal detonators destined for Hosnian Prime. While Sonnel and Seastriker loaded the cargo, Organa and C-3PO infiltrated the underwater city and downloaded banking records linking the Amaxines to Rinnrivin's cartel. Organa sent C-3PO back to the ship and instructed Seastriker to leave with the droid while she spied on the Amaxine base.

After finishing their loading, Sonnel and Seastriker discussed Organa's orders with C-3PO. While Seastriker refused to leave Organa behind, Sonnel assured him that Organa was capable of stealing a ship. C-3PO supported her, stating that Organa had given them explicit orders. While Sonnel and Seastriker argued about Organa's safety, C-3PO reported that a large Amaxine army was based inside the base. After killing Rinnrivin, Organa infiltrated the base, discovering the Amaxines marshalling starfighters. Despite being pursued, the senator escaped up a platform, where she was rescued by her husband, Han. Sonnel contacted Han's racer and expressed relief and surprise at his arrival. Shortly later, the Amaxine base and underwater city were destroyed when a stricken Amaxine B-wing crashed into its heavily-stocked underwater depot. The explosion eliminated both Rinnrivin's cartel and the Amaxines as threats to the New Republic.

Rise of the Resistance

Following the mission to Sibensko, Sonnel and Seastriker stored the stolen thermal detonators and their junker ship in a low-rent civilian hangar under Senator Organa's orders. Sonnel and Seastriker also arranged to store the thermal detonators in a secure storage space. Despite the defeat of the Amaxines and Rinnrivin's cartel, Organa believed that other threats to the New Republic lurked in the galaxy. With the Senate unwilling to act, Organa decided to resign from the Senate after her term was up.

After Casterfo spoke in Organa's defense during a Senate hearing on the Sibensko mission, Sindian, a secret agent of the First Order, hired Hadrassian to assassinate the Populist politician Tai-Lin Garr and framed Casterfo for the crime. As evidence of Casterfo's purported linkages to Hadrassian, Sindian leaked a video of the two shaking hands. Sonnel quickly determined that Sindian's slicers had doctored the video. While Sonnel believed they could use this evidence to clear Casterfo's name, they could not prevent him from being deported for imprisonment, trial, and sentencing on his homeworld of Riosa.

Later, Sonnel and several other New Republic personnel, including Seastriker, Snap Wexley, and Zari Bangel, attended a secret meeting in the New Republic hangar bay where Organa established a new paramilitary outfit called the Resistance to defend the New Republic from threats like the First Order, the instigators behind Rinnrivin's cartel, and the Amaxine Warriors. As part of the Resistance, she piloted a RZ-2 A-wing interceptor, a successor to the old RZ-1 that built upon the original A-Wing's design. On one occasion, Sonnel flew her RZ-2 nearby asteroids and fired two missiles from the craft.

Personality and traits

Greer Sonnel was a human woman with thick blue-black hair, full lips, and deep coppery skin. She favored simple, practical clothing. Despite the standard procedure of grounding pilots diagnosed with bloodburn, Sonnel kept her condition secret and worked as Organa's personal pilot and chief of staff. Sonnel was unaware of Organa's parentage until Casterfo publicly revealed it, and she was initially hurt by the news. Despite Organa's parentage, she remained loyal and refused to condemn her for her late father's actions.

Sonnel was a skilled pilot and flew an RZ-2 A-wing for the Resistance.

Initially hesitant about Ransolm Casterfo, she eventually came to admire and befriend the Centrist senator, influenced by his bravery, combat prowess, and altruism. Following the death of Tai-Lin Garr, she and Organa were among a small group who maintained belief in Casterfo's lack of culpability. As she worked for Organa, Sonnel started to have romantic feelings for Joph Seastriker, the New Republic starfighter pilot. Each of them demonstrated unwavering loyalty to Organa and the New Republic.

Sonnel's upbringing on Pamarthe forged her into a resilient woman who disdained tears and held warriors of honor in high regard. She encountered difficulties adapting to the rigid protocols of the Senate, but dedicated herself to honing her diplomatic abilities. Similarly to Organa, she understood that the New Republic lacked the capacity to effectively protect itself from dangers such as the First Order.

Skills and abilities

Greer Sonnel possessed significant piloting skills, and she was extremely passionate about flying. She also had knowledge of slicing and was capable of identifying video recording manipulation. Furthermore, she enjoyed physical combat and discovered a shared connection with Casterfo.

Behind the scenes

Greer Sonnel's creation occurred in 2016 for the novel Bloodline, which was authored by Claudia Gray.

