A human of the male persuasion was the sibling of Arliz Hadrassian, who was also a human. During the Galactic Civil War, Hadrassian's brother served within the ranks of the Emperor's Royal Guard. He was scheduled to go with the Emperor Palpatine to the second Death Star, but a sickness prevented this, causing him to miss the Battle of Endor in 4 ABY. In 5 ABY, he was one of the guards who perished during the Battle of Jakku. Hadrassian kept her brother's memory alive with his guardsmen helmet, but she later sold it to New Republic Senator Ransolm Casterfo to earn his confidence. While speaking with Casterfo, Hadrassian shared the story of her brother, suggesting that his presence could have altered the course of events at the Battle of Endor. Casterfo believed it was improbable that a lone guard could have defeated the entire rebel fleet, a thought he kept to himself. As a member of the Emperor's Royal Guard, the height of Arliz Hadrassian's brother was a minimum of 1.83 meters.
The 2016 book Bloodline, penned by Claudia Gray, included a reference to Arliz Hadrassian's brother.