Pamarthe, situated in the Outer Rim, was a planet inhabited by the human Pamarthens. This culture was celebrated for its exceptional pilots, known for their bravery and enthusiasm. Neighboring worlds frequently recruited Pamarthen pilots for both racing competitions and military duty. During the early days of the Galactic Empire, many Pamarthens eagerly enlisted in the Imperial Navy, disagreeing with the Galactic Republic's reliance on clone soldiers and craving new combat opportunities. However, following the destruction of Alderaan—an act that most Pamarthens considered a cowardly atrocity—hundreds defected to join the ranks of the Rebel Alliance. Pamarthe's surface was largely covered by a vast ocean, punctuated by craggy islands linked by bridges constructed from stone, wood, or rope, and traversed by numerous small watercraft.
The cuisine of Pamarthe was famous for its intense and powerful flavors, even when compared to other culinary traditions in the Galactic community. Their most well-known alcoholic beverage, the incredibly strong Port in a Storm, was famous for its extreme alcoholic content. Outsiders bold enough to sample it often found themselves temporarily incapacitated after even a small sip.
A distinctive feature of Pamarthe was its ancient network of bridges, constructed from wood and stone and connected by rope. These bridges were repaired or replaced as needed, and served as a defense against potential invaders.
Young Pamarthens, destined to become starfighter pilots, first honed their skills piloting watercraft.
Pamarthens were known for their distinctive and heavy accents, characterized by a strong emphasis on the pronunciation of the letter R.
Stellan Gios once journeyed to this planet sometime before 230 BBY and required rescue from danger by Orla Jareni. Joph Seastriker, accompanied by Greer Sonnel, a Pamarthen native, visited Pamarthe on a mission assigned by Senator Leia Organa. Senator Organa tasked them with uncovering any connections between the many pilots recruited from Pamarthe and the Nikto cartel's operations on Daxam IV.