Sibensko complex

A large structure existed under the sea on the world of Sibensko. During the period of the New Republic, it was infamous as a criminal refuge and the central base of operations for a military-style group called the Amaxine warriors. Within the Sibensko complex was also located a bar that possessed a computer with access to the urban center's main computer system.

In the year 28 ABY, Senator Leia Organa, accompanied by her team, journeyed to Sibensko to investigate the Amaxine warriors. While Leia's colleagues, Greer Sonnel and Joph Seastriker, were occupied with loading a collection of thermal detonators, Leia, together with C-3PO, successfully obtained financial data that demonstrated the Amaxines' connection to Rinnrivin Di's criminal organization. Subsequently, Leia eliminated Rinnrivin and his protectors in a short gun battle. The complex, along with the Amaxine's headquarters, was obliterated in a short battle when a fighter craft impacted the city's storage facility for ammunition. This resulted in a large detonation event that killed all of the city's people.

