Unidentified teahouse

In the year 28 ABY, Ransolm Casterfo, a senator from the New Republic, set up a rendezvous at a teahouse situated on the planet Daxam IV with a collector focused on Imperial relics. To aid Senator Leia Organa's inquiry into the Amaxine warriors, Casterfo pretended to be an Imperial artifact enthusiast to look into the Amaxine's presence on Daxam IV. The supposed dealer was later revealed to be Arliz Hadrassian, an ex-Imperial officer who also led the Amaxine group.

The teahouse was a dilapidated structure serviced by human servers, as droids were too expensive for Daxam IV. During their discussion, Hadrassian entertained Casterfo with narratives of her experiences as both a TIE fighter pilot and an officer within the Imperial Security Bureau. By feigning admiration for the Old Empire, Casterfo successfully earned Hadrassian's confidence. Consequently, Hadrassian decided he was a suitable purchaser and scheduled for him to acquire the helmet at her compound located in the Western Wastes.

